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Updates on Pablo Escabar.


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Pablo Escabar is putting up a strong fight in the tpe chase against team-mate Francis York Morgan ( Christmas ). Pablo joined the VHL ten days after Morgan. They are currently tied with 137 tpe each. The two are completing against each other for a draft spot in the upcoming S43 Draft.  The friendly competition makes the league more enjoyable and makes you strive to get all your point tasks done every week. Between Morgan and myself it is even more rewarding because we are blue line mates. We are striving to surpass each other but we are strengthening our defence for the Ottawa Lynx as well in the process.


The Season is coming to an end with only approx. two weeks real time left in the regular season the Ottawa Lynx have some work to do. They need to get them self's a great playoff spot . I am still very confident that the Lynx will be making the finals in the S42 playoff ( Knocks on word ).


"Being in the VHL league now for almost two months have really enjoyed it and it has grown on me. I can see myself being around for a very long time. There are a great group of guys here in the league, but as where there is good there is a lot of kids here. " Mr.Escabar.

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