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Effort: 1.5/2 - Gotta dock, this looks way too simple. There's definitely less than 10 layers here.


Look: 1.5/3 - Just not a fan. The border is strange, text is tucked away in a corner (don't like the faded out first name), there's no lighting or blending to speak of really. Needs a lot more work.


Creativity: 1/1 - Yeah.


Overall: 4/6

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Effort: 1/2 - Handful of layers, not too much done, I'd suggest checking out some tutorials, or downloading some PSDs to help you get better. It's a good start, but needs a lot more.


Look: 1.5/3 - While it's not bad in terms of concept, it's lacking a lot of things. Render effects, stock work, lighting, the works. Like I said, check out tutorials, you'd be surprised how much they help.


Creativity: 1/1 - Sure, this is basically a gimme point anyways.


Total: 3.5/6

Overall: 4/6

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