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Taylor's Case for MVP


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There have been many articles deeming ones player the MVP from this past VHL season. Seeing as Taylor hasn't won an award in his career yet, I decided it was time to plead my case. When it comes to MVP I feel in the past it has been misrepresented and at times is kind of a mockery in terms of who gets it. The first movie was okay, but coasted off the initial idea of the whole animal bit. Then came the 20, 000 other movies that went straight to DVD. I think in some cases they were made for TV movies that just had no viewership besides Jardy and his minions. So here is my case for being the MVP this season. Awarding that title to a Primate? I mean yeah it says Most Valuable Primate but that doesn't mean you can't change the P to another word. Like for example Penis, Pensfan, Partypooper (should be one word imo) or even Pajodcast. I have the numbers to show for it, I have been in several movies in the past. Here are my stats:


Kameron Taylor IMDB Stats:


Dark Angel - featuring Jessica Alba

Santa Clause - featuring Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor

Criminal Minds - The one where the killer kills some people and hides

CSI - Pilot episode when the main guy buys his glasses


Those are stats good enough to be the Most Valuable Primate in my opinion. So when you go to the voting poles. Select Kameron Taylor.

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