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Effort: 1.75/2 - I wanted to give it because of the jersey change, but this looks really simple.


Look: 2/3 - It's really washed out, has very little lighting, and the text stands out too much.


Creativity: 1/1 - I suppose


Overall: 4.75/6

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Effort: 2/2 - I'm too lazy to look in the cut gallery for this, so i'll just assume that you did the JC yourself so full marks hurray!


Look: 1.75/3 - Overall, this looks really flat. There isn't too much depth to it, and the letters in the background are really distracting. Work on incorporating different kind of stocks and blending modes into this as well, to add more.


Creativity: 1/1 - Guess so


Total: 4.75/6

Overall: 5/6

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