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Effort: 1.5/2 - I don't see a whole lot going on here to be honest. So work with Topaz, blurring, and some fantastic lighting, but I don't see any stocks.


Look: 2.5/2 - I don't like the text, the offset outline doesn't work for me. It's hard to complain about the rest but it's really minimal. The lighting work you did is fantastic though.


Creativity: 1/1 - Sure


Overall: 5/6

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Effort: 1/2 - I don't see much here, you're better than this, Squints

Look: 2/3 - It's okay.  Can't really find much aesthetically wrong with this, but it's so simple and plain that I have to dock you.  But like Sandro, I'm not huge on the text.  

Creativity: 1/1 - Since this is the only one you're submitting, I'll give you full marks.


Total: 4/6


Final: 5/6 

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