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Discipline has been an issue!


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    In the first 14 games of the VHLM season so far Jer Lefebvre has proven to everyone that he has taken great strides in his game as a whole. His work in the off-season is really shining through in both his offensive and defensive aspects of the game. However there is one aspect of his game that so far this season has been lacking, and even though it hasn’t come back to really bite him or his team yet, sooner or later it will, and it won’t be pretty.


     Lefebvre has found himself in penalty trouble multiple times so far this season and it hasn’t been pretty. Sooner or later it is going to start costing his team games and that will not end well. He has been such an offensive threat in the first 14 games of the season that 18 penalty minutes is not a good look for the star forward. Coming into a new team you want to make a good impression, rumblings out of the Reapers locker room are that Lefebvre, and Elsby have become close right off the hop and co-captain Elsby has taken him aside and told him he needs to work on his discipline. 

     Even tho it may seem like it could be it isn’t a rift between the two leaders Lefebvre, and Elsby have a great deal of respect for eachother and Jer has informed is counter part he’s going to do everything  he can to work on his penalty trouble.  Lefebvre is a rising star in the VHLM it would be tough to see him flame out due to discipline issues, for all our sakes of seeing him make it big hopefully he can set it straight and turn it around.

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