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Jeffrenomitsu The Third is a unique player who has a very athletic background (Mostly in track and field) and brings a willingness to learn everywhere he goes. He may not have been given the same coaching that other top prospects may have received or even skated for as long as others have but there truly is something special to be found here despite the lack of flashiness.


Despite his inability to knock the puck away from puckcarriers, Jeffrenomitsu The Third has still not shied away from contact defensively. He has a handful of hits to his name this VHLM season and plans to keep it up as the season progresses. Jeffrenomitsu has little to no experience when it comes to fighting other players and has never been seen or showcased in one before. His slimmer body would probably not fare well in fights but, once again, that's hypothetical. On the other hand, as a result of his lack of hockey knowledge, JT3 tends to be very undisciplined at times as he still tries to catch up to his peers in hockey knowledge and overall game feel. He can often be seen cross checking, tripping and going offsides. As mentioned earlier, JT3 has not been skating as long as his peers, especially given his background in which he comes from a country like Singapore that does not experience cold weather. Moving on, Jeffrenomitsu The Third is someone who is very skinny and underweight despite recent changes to his diet and workout routine. He lacks the same strength that most of his peers have and at times it negatively affects him in games.


Despite all the weaknesses to his game, JT3 has some major strengths as well. Most notably is his ability to showcase excellent defensive reads and positioning. He is a very active defender and is really smart when it comes to making the right reads and sniffing out the oppositions plays before they can get executed. He's smart when it comes to deciding how to sacrifice his own body when his team needs it (Blocked shots and hits) and is a very reliable player for the Houston Bulls. Another aspect that Jeffrenomitsu shouldn't be slept on would be his ability to score. He has an uncanny ability to score from all over the rink, constantly creating headaches for the opposition. Package this with his ability to dangle around his opposition with increasing effectiveness and you have a real threat to score at any point in the game.

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