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Effort: 1/2 - A couple stock work images and text, I know you're new to this so I'll cut you a little slack here but check out some tutorials and find the pre-cut renders section on this site, it'll help.

Look: 1/3 - It's a really simple graphic and not all that appealing I'd say some lighting tutorials, blending as well will help. I don't want to discourage you from graphic making. I'll send you something tomorrow after work that may help you a bit with some of the things I mentioned.


Creativity: 1/1 - Sure, new to graphics. We all start somewhere.

Total: 3/6

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Effort: 1.5/2 - I'll cut you a bit more slack than Bushito since you're new to making graphics.  

Look: 1/3 -  Blending is an issue here, but that will come with time.  Using Paint.net will definitely limit you to making decent graphics here as well, so I would recommend getting something a little more in depth like GIMP or even Photoshop if you can find it.  GIMP is a free program, and there are plenty of tutorials around for that.  The text also isn't very good here.  Keep at it though, as everyone starts somewhere.

Creativity: 1/1 - Yep


Total: 3.5/6


FINAL: 3/6

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