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Mexico City Playoffs


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Mexico City Playoffs


     With the season coming to a close, the Kings have had an up and down season. Some hot streaks followed by cold streaks and players playing above their skill level or below their skill level.


     The team got off to an ok start. We weren’t sure at the beginning if we had a playoff team or not but we quickie knew we were very capable. We hovered around seventh and eighth for a long time until we hit a hot streak and were winning ninety percent of our games and even taking down the top team and killing their massive win streak. While on that hot streak we cruised into fifth place in the overall standings and everyone was feeling good. We knew no matter how poorly we played the rest of the season we were making it to the playoffs.


     Then the ice age hit the team. I’d like to think this all started with the massive influx of players we gained into the VHLM from the recruiting campaign. I believe over fifty new players joined the league within two or three weeks. This sudden influx in players caused every team to fill up their rosters with players causing every team to get better and bring everyone closer skill-wise. The Kings already had a solid team and did add quite a few players to the roster but it’s not quite enough to be the best of the rest. The cold streak has tanked our place in the overall standing dropping us two places into seventh which is where it looks like we’ll finish. I don’t see any way of us falling out or dropping into seventh and the gap to sixth is too great to make up. 


     Our expectations going into the season were very very low. So despite us hitting this cold streak, I believe we have still outperformed our original expectations. Having such a great run, in the beginning, made us expect more than we should have but next season is our season. The Kings have so many first-round and second-round picks that the team will be absolutely stacked. Next season we will have a cup contending team with no doubt in my mind. I plan on being capped at 250 tpe when game 2 of next season starts and will horde points until I get called up.


     Now onto this season’s playoffs. It looks like we’re for sure finishing seventh overall which is not good since we’ll be playing the second-place team. It appears we’ll play either Las Vegas or Yukon. I think that’s right from how I understand the way seeding works in VHLM. I do believe we can beat those teams but it will be incredibly hard to do so. If we pull out that series win we should have no problem getting to the finals. I do not expect us to win the cup this season but if we do we definitely pulled some pixie dust out of our locker room.


Claiming for week ending 10/25, words 509,

Edited by Xflexz
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I think your media spot was well written. The beginning statement was a good opener. I like how you went through the team's regular season performance, a bit of a preview for who you will be playing in the playoffs, and your expectations once you do reach the playoffs. The idea of Mexico beating Yukon in the first round is a good one, so I hope you do. Other than the odd grammatical error you have a nice article here, 8/10.

Edited by a_Ferk
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