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Dexter Vaughn Junior Review


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Dexter Vaughn cowboy of Calgary Alberta, decide being a cowboy was not enough.  Decide he needed to make it big in his other passion being a goalie, while be a cowboy in his offseason. 


While living on the ranch was great, Being a cowboy was his life. Living with all the animals and working hard to making sure the ranch was in top shape. Dexter was also the local area bounty hunter In the city. Dexter could be goalie he was meant to be. One of the best around town. When he was ready he got himself drafted in the WHL  by the Kelowna Rockets.

Dexter loving being a goalie playing night and day. living the life being one of the WHL top goalie with a 912 Save% and 2.49 GAA. Dexter had  to give it all up in final year of the WHL season. To Be on the ranch, with his family and they needed him more than ever. Dexter went back to the life he knew being a cowboy and a bounty hunter. One night on a bounty hunt. He felt something did not feel right. That he was missing something from his life. That life he was living need that passion again. Being a goalie was that life for him. 


In the summer Dexter had to decide if he was going leave the family ranch that he so deeply love. To be that goalie he once was. To  make it to the top league he never played in before. He knew the only way do that was to join the VHLM. He knew it  was not going be easy. Dexter that summer left the family ranch and went to train again, to be the goalie he once was. Dexter been struggle ever since he got back. Dexter said to himself he will do whatever it takes to be in the VHL. Play at the level he once was once at. 

Now Dexter  in the VHLM. He been excited to see what the next chapter is. Knowing it wont be that easy. He will do what it takes to be at the top again. Will listen and take advice long away to be goalie he once was. To make sure he will not give up being a goalie for the ranch again. He be in the league as long he can, to be one of best ever to play this game called hockey. Dexter will look forward to each and every day to make sure he improves himself to be back at 100% best goal he was. To follow more of Dexter Vaughn journey, watch him play starting goalie for the Ottawa Lynxs in the VHLM.


Edited by Flames1Fan
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