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What it means to get "Harumpf'd"


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Recently in the SuperCup game #29 Strauss the Grouses got "Harumpf'd" when Oskars Harumpf scored a hat trick against them in a 4-1 victory. Anytime Harumpf goes off and an opposing team falls victim to his 5'5" 250 pounds of hockey skill, that team just got Harumpf'd.


This phrase was coined back in junior in S39 by Harumpf's linemate Sachimo Zoidberg who was looking for the perfect phrase to describe what Oskars Harumpf was doing to opposing teams on a nightly basis. You may remember this was the season Harumpf had 164 points and won the oates trophy with 130 assists. The entire league got Harumpf'd that season, but the saying works best in single game situations. Here's an example: Helsinki plays Riga, Harumpf has a 4 point game leading Helsinki to victory. Someone posts in the thread "You guys got Harumpf'd" or "You've just been Harumpf'd" either one will work, you get the point. Basically it's celebrating any time a 5'5" 250 pound bowling ball of a player goes off and helps his team win. Thanks to Sachimo Zoidberg for coining this phrase and feel free to use it whenever something Harumpf does excites you. Which should be often, because he is very exciting.



Edited by Harumpf
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