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Posts posted by TheGriff236

  1. This was a cool experience but I just won't have the time for this as I won't have much time for this anymore. Just recently got a new job and a kid on the way so it's going to be rough settling in. I may come back one day when I get better adjusted to my life. I want to thank Bushitroll for all he has done to help me along the way so far to understand this league. Best of luck with this and I hope to return one day in the future.

  2. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 1 TPE)

    Game 2 - Helsinki Titans vs. Quebec City Meute - Meute

    Game 3 - Quebec City Meute vs. Helsinki Titans - Titans

    Game 4 - Quebec City Meute vs. Helsinki Titans - Meute


    Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE)

    Game 4 - Quebec City Meute vs. Helsinki Titans

    3-1 Quebec

    Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer)

    Series leader in points: Axelsson
    Series leader in goals: Axelsson

    Series leader in assists: Velvet

  3. Playoff Loss Hurts



    Sadly enough the playoffs are over for the Oslo Storm. The Saskatoon Wild were simply too much for them to handle and the Storm were knocked out of the playoffs. Leilani wasn't exactly proud of his performance during the playoffs. His numbers have been atrocious and on top of that he hasn't even really progressed much during the season. He really hasn't hit the weight room much and his gains have actually not been the greatest he wanted. He made a promise to himself that he was going to push for as close to one-hundred practice hours before next season started and he has been letting himself down. He has to make it up by doing a lot of work in the off-season to help himself out. He has been wanting to give back to the league itself and has talked about his agent donating some of his money to help the cause. This could help him out by making sure he gets extra gains when needed so that he can buff himself up. The VHLM draft looks to be filled with some nice talent and he doesn't want to fall that far behind others. Some are ahead due to having longer to show what they have, but he won't let that stop him. Leilani hopes that next season, wherever he plays, he will get the chance to be on a team's top line and hopefully make a difference. Right now it doesn't seem like he will be doing that but if he can get in some more gains and get himself right, things could be looking up for him.


    Despite the playoffs being over and Leilani still putting in work, he makes time for his family. He flew home to his parents to spend time with them and his siblings. He wanted to get back to his roots and also he just really missed his mothers cooking. She used to cook for the whole family on Sunday's as more than 20 members of the family were in attendance. It was a rough job but she loved it and she embraced the Hawaiian nature. She is one of the most humble people you could ever meet and she loves meeting new people. Leilani always brought over friends during the week and she wouldn't mind making food for them as well. The weekends were reserve for family only and Leilani knew that. When his plane landed in Hawaii, his mother and father were both there to greet him. They had wanted to hear how things were over in Oslo. They had never been to Norway and wanted to hear of the culture over there and of course his mother wanted to make sure he was eating right. Once they reached the house, Leilani would offer to help his mother set up the dinner for the family. He knew that it was only a few hours away but being prepared is something this family prides themselves on. Everyone showed up on time and they all had a blast. The dinner lasted a little over two hours and everyone was happy to see that Leilani was back. He told stories of Oslo and his team and teammates. They were crushed when they heard about the playoffs but they know he is destined for bigger and better things. His vacation would last for about another week and there will be more things to come.

  4. Leilani the Underachiever



    Leilani Maleko has been underachieving in his short stint in the minor league system of the VHL. The team hasn't really lived up to the expectations that surrounded the roster when Leilani committed to joining. The team looked poised to do some damage from the second seed and at least put up some form of a fight against the powerhouse that is known as the Las Vegas Aces. The sad truth though is that the Aces have literally been ripping the whole league a new one. They have shown no remorse and just walk into any city and make a mockery of their team. The Oslo Storm still have some promise and will look to do damage in the playoffs so long as the team continues to progress as hockey players. I guess one could say that the Oslo Storm are dark horses to win it all this season but most of us all know that is unobtainable. With the way the Aces are playing, even if Oslo put up some form of a fight, I could see it last to a six game series. With the league's highest earning TPE goalie in Vernon Von Axelberry, the team looks like they are unbeatable. They did lose some games in regulation but let's be real. There are really no holes in that team and it seems like everyone that came along did it for a free ride. The parity was killed from what seems like the beginning of the season around the time of the draft.


    Leilani is not really looking forward to the playoffs but he will show up one hundred percent and he will give his all. What excites him more is the prospect of becoming better on the ice. He knows that his game is lacking in certain areas and he would like to get better. in order for him to do that, he has to hit the weight room and get in them gains. As long as he commits to roughly six to eight practice hours a week, he should be in good shape in time for the minors draft. These gains are also going to help him out when it comes time for the season 56 VHL draft. Right now it's hard to say where he stands in the rankings but he wants to put in the necessary work to improve his game and show his worth. It is rumored that performance isn't always the key when general managers look at draft prospects at the draft. The main point is the consistency of them producing at practice and putting in the necessary hours. I guess that means that Lelani is going to really have to work hard and do all that he possibly can to help his cause out. The playoffs are coming up and he will try to help his team make as much of an impact as he possibly can. Being the teams second line center had did pretty decent in the regular season, but let's see if he can do work from there during the playoffs. Not many teams are vying for the chance to win the cup and we know who the favorites are. Let's see if Oslo can play upset to them or if the Aces are just too much. Stay tuned to see an interesting playoffs and hopefully you will be surprised at some of the outcomes.

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