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Everything posted by VHL Bot

  1. RicerFourteen has accepted a Bonus Offer from Chicago: S96: $1,500,000
  2. Quinn Godin has been released by the Ottawa Lynx.
  3. Roman Skeptic has been released by the Ottawa Lynx.
  4. Joseph Poole has accepted Halifax's offer.
  5. The Halifax 21st have made a waivers offer to Joseph Poole.
  6. BIG MOOSE has been released by the San Diego Marlins.
  7. Greg Alderman has been released by the Philadelphia Reapers.
  8. Pepe Silvia has accepted Houston's offer.
  9. The Houston Bulls have made a waivers offer to Pepe Silvia.
  10. Snubbed Analfist (STZ) has announced their retirement.
  11. VHL Bot

    SEA/LDN; S96

    Seattle receives: Tord Yvel London receives: S98 SEA 2nd This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
  12. Isaac mclflopper (sportexperts show) has announced their retirement.
  13. Pierre Potvin has accepted San Diego's offer.
  14. The San Diego Marlins have made a waivers offer to Pierre Potvin.
  15. The Toronto Legion have made a free agency offer to Invader Zimothy Timothy: S96: $3,000,000 S97: $3,000,000 S98: $3,000,000
  16. The Toronto Legion have made a free agency offer to Bj Blazkowiczzzz: S96: $3,000,000 S97: $3,000,000 S98: $3,000,000
  17. Grog Strongjaw has been released by the Miami Marauders.
  18. Warsaw has successfully claimed this player.
  19. The Warsaw Predators have made a free agency offer to Olumide Anderson: S96: $1,500,000
  20. The Warsaw Predators have placed an inactive claim on Baby Moo Moo. Warsaw Priority: 5
  21. VHL Bot

    WAR/HSK; S96

    Helsinki receives: S98 WAR 3rd S98 WAR 4th Warsaw receives: kodie Curran Tullemore Dew This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
  22. The Las Vegas Aces have made a free agency offer to Miles Bryant.
  23. Big Macken Fries has accepted Saskatoon's offer.
  24. The Saskatoon Wild have made a waivers offer to Big Macken Fries.
  25. VHL Bot

    MIA/HFX; S96

    Halifax receives: S98 SDM 1st S98 MIA 4th Miami receives: Boris Bone-Breaker This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
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