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Everything posted by VHL Bot

  1. Patrick Burns has accepted Philadelphia's offer.
  2. Zayn Malik (kendall) has announced their retirement.
  3. Zakhar (Zak70) has announced their retirement.
  4. Zakary Delisle (Zakary Delisle) has announced their retirement.
  5. Zach Aston Reesen (SilentFire) has announced their retirement.
  6. Zachary Quinn (DarthZak) has announced their retirement.
  7. Zachary Major (Meteorman90) has announced their retirement.
  8. Yuri Bure (Nexus) has announced their retirement.
  9. Yuko Yamaha (Samwise) has announced their retirement.
  10. Yonistov Zazilov (Joey Smitherson) has announced their retirement.
  11. Yondu Yorukan (Eagle Eye) has announced their retirement.
  12. Yolo On (Yolo) has announced their retirement.
  13. Yakob Forsberg (KingofFools) has announced their retirement.
  14. Xue piao bing bong (SteveBrooks) has announced their retirement.
  15. Xiaoping Benguin Dinghao Sonei (Ninjadude) has announced their retirement.
  16. Xavier Wennberg (Kraken) has announced their retirement.
  17. Xavier Lost (ISLANDERSFAN) has announced their retirement.
  18. Wyatt Welch (welchy091) has announced their retirement.
  19. Wyatt Corbiere (Corbett22) has announced their retirement.
  20. Wolf Time (WolfTimeYt) has announced their retirement.
  21. Willy Myers (Willy Myers) has announced their retirement.
  22. WILLtheTHRILL (Will the thrill) has announced their retirement.
  23. Will Space (wspace55) has announced their retirement.
  24. Will Kobe Bryant (mysterio) has announced their retirement.
  25. WILLIO GOLD (WILLIOGOLD) has announced their retirement.
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