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Everything posted by VHL Bot

  1. Marcel Bilodeau has been released by the San Diego Marlins.
  2. Leo has been released by the San Diego Marlins.
  3. Dominic Gobeil has announced their retirement.
  4. Frederick Banville has been released by the Philadelphia Reapers.
  5. Sean James lll has been released by the Philadelphia Reapers.
  6. Tsuji Marimoto has accepted Philadelphia's offer.
  7. The Philadelphia Reapers have made a waivers offer to Tsuji Marimoto.
  8. Oskar Kiprusoff has announced their retirement.
  9. Ariane Leblanc has announced their retirement.
  10. Liam Ericsson has accepted Philadelphia's offer.
  11. The Philadelphia Reapers have made a waivers offer to Liam Ericsson.
  12. Alex Zverina has announced their retirement.
  13. Madison Kotex has announced their retirement.
  14. Shane Flaud has been released by the San Diego Marlins.
  15. Johnny Roberts has been released by the Las Vegas Aces.
  16. Madison Kotex has accepted Halifax's offer.
  17. VHL Bot

    SDM/LVA; S81

    Las Vegas receives: Budnik McDangle S83 SDM 2nd San Diego receives: Cooper Skambraks This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
  18. The Halifax 21st have made a waivers offer to Madison Kotex.
  19. VHL Bot

    COL/VAS; S81

    Cologne receives: Arthur Kimura Vasteras receives: Craig Martin S82 COL 4th This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
  20. VHL Bot

    BRA/VAS; S81

    Bratislava receives: Shaggy Tipton Vasteras receives: Ayomide Ayodele New Player S83 BRA 4th This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
  21. Madison K has announced their retirement.
  22. Madison Kott has announced their retirement.
  23. The Houston Bulls have made a free agency offer to Marttins Stepka.
  24. Harju Vespalainen has been released by the Miami Marauders.
  25. Zach Ellis has announced their retirement.
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