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Everything posted by VHL Bot

  1. The Philadelphia Reapers have made a free agency offer to Donnis Orange Krupis.
  2. The Philadelphia Reapers have made a waivers offer to Charles Derfler.
  3. Carl Erhardt has accepted Halifax's offer.
  4. Donnis Orange Krupis has been released by the Philadelphia Reapers.
  5. Xiver Jinn has been released by the Philadelphia Reapers.
  6. Magni Jinn has been released by the Philadelphia Reapers.
  7. Pinn Jinn has been released by the Philadelphia Reapers.
  8. The Halifax 21st have made a waivers offer to Carl Erhardt.
  9. Alphonse Desjardins has accepted San Diego's offer.
  10. Marlins GM has accepted San Diego's offer.
  11. The San Diego Marlins have made a waivers offer to Marlins GM.
  12. John Season (dylanjj37) has announced their retirement.
  13. The San Diego Marlins have made a waivers offer to Alphonse Desjardins.
  14. Alfred Champagne (Anthique) has announced their retirement.
  15. Boris Bone-Breaker has accepted Miami's offer.
  16. The Miami Marauders have made a waivers offer to Boris Bone-Breaker.
  17. Ronan Amnon has accepted Mexico City's offer.
  18. The Mexico City Kings have made a waivers offer to Ronan Amnon.
  19. Ahsoka Tano has accepted Mexico City's offer.
  20. The Mexico City Kings have made a waivers offer to Ahsoka Tano.
  21. Jesse Teno (aimkin) has announced their retirement.
  22. Samsayz I-Smell has accepted Houston's offer.
  23. The Houston Bulls have made a waivers offer to Samsayz I-Smell.
  24. Miles Bryant has accepted San Diego's offer.
  25. Phil Sakic has accepted Halifax's offer.
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