1. With a 7-3-0 start in our first ten games, is that above, below, or right around your expectations for this team?
A: I din't really have any expectations coming into the season, just going along for the ride.
2. After ten games, you have a sample of what your player is doing this season. What are your expectations going forward for the season for your play personally?
A: I think my skills are going to grow exceptionally this season.
3. What skills, other than SC and DF are your looking to build on for your player?
A: Other then SC and DF passing is what I am working on.
4. When it comes to recruiting, why do you feel San Diego is a prime destination now and in the future?
A: The atmosphere around the team is really great and I think that kind of ethos will really bring us to the forefront of the VHLM.
5. A lot has been said and debated on when it comes to the STHS (sim), what role do you feel morale plays on the sim, if any? And what do you think the primary factor is in shifting the tide in games?
A: I'm sill getting use to the intricacies of the system, ill get back to you on this on.
6. After the BoG conference from this week, are you excited for the continued testing and potential move to the 1.5 system, or do you have other thoughts on the subject?
A: I will answer you question with a question, what is the 1.5 system? and how is it different then the current one?