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Posts posted by JayF

  1. Could I try this out for a few weeks? I want to make sure I have the time every week, and if I do, I will definately stick around. I usually am able to write articles on Fridays, and I can get them done the day I start them, so I probably won't have any problems, but I just want to be sure.

  2. The VHL is Back!




    Some great news came from the VHL head office yesterday, as it has been announced that the 35th VHL season will be starting very soon. The league recently had encountered problems, with a hacker hacking the league database, forcing it to be moved to another website. This delayed the start of the season, and the VHL had to get many players to rejoin the league. However, the league now has gotten a lot of those players back, and the league looks to be better than ever for this upcoming season. Many players, including right winger Carter Deaton, a recent New York Americans draftee, were excited to hear that the start of the season would be coming up soon. Our field reporter Farhan Lalji was in New York yesterday to interview Deaton about the start of the season, and his hopes for possibly his last VHLM season.




    Lalji: “Are you excited to start the season?”


    Deaton: “Definitely. It has been tough waiting for the season to start, but the time has finally come for me to dominate in the VHLM.”


    Lalji: “Speaking of that, what are your goals for this season in the VHLM?”

    Deaton: “Well, a lofty goal for me would be 50 goals and 100 points, and I think I could reach that if I train hard enough this season. I also want to work on my defense, because right now, I feel that I am a liability to my team on defense, and I need to build a good two-way game. Some training on skating and checking would also help me out a lot, because although I am a good skater right now, I still need to work on it, because I want to become one of the best in the league at that aspect of my game. Checking is important to me because I don’t want to be a little weak right wing that gets pushed around a lot, I want to be able to hold my own in the league. My last, and most important goal is to prove that I can play in the VHL next season. Not like I hate the VHLM or anything, but every player dreams of playing in the VHL, and to get there next season would definitely be a dream come true for me.”


    Lalji: “Are you happy that you were drafted by the New York Americans?”


    Deaton: “For sure. I think it is a great situation for me to step into. The Americans are rebuilding, and have a lot of first round picks in the future to help that rebuild. I will really get a chance to help out and guide these rookies that will be joining the team in the next few seasons, and we will grow together as a team. Being on this team may give me a chance to be a captain, or a first liner earlier than I had expected, which I think would help my development a lot. I also have known the GM of the team, Advantage, for a while from other sports, so it will be great to have him as my GM.”


    Lalji: “Why did you decide to suddenly start training again?”


    Deaton: “I felt like I still had something to prove in this league, I couldn’t just get by without training anymore, and I realize now that I need to work hard to be a great player in this league.”


    Lalji: “Thank you for answering these questions”


    Deaton: “No problem”

    584 Words, 2 Pictures
    Player Information
    Username: JaysFan26
    Full Name: Carter Deaton
    Position: RW
    Age: 19
    Handedness: Right I think
    Recruited By/From: idk
    Player Attributes
    Total Points Earned: 10
    CK = Checking: 40
    FG = Fighting: 40
    DI = Discipline: 40
    SK = Skating: 40
    ST = Strength: 40
    PH = Puck Handling: 40
    FO = Face Offs: 40
    PA = Passing: 42
    SC = Scoring: 48
    DF = Defense: 40
    EX = Experience: 40
    LD = Leadership: 40
    Jersey Number: 22
    Height (inches): 6'0?
    Weight (lbs.): 210?
    Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Player Finances
    Career Stats:
    Player Movement
    Past Players
    Chris Bourque
    Joey Snipez
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