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Ozzy Batty

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Everything posted by Ozzy Batty

  1. Man, what a busy few weeks! I went back to Mississauga and got my old room back. I have a great view of the park near our practice arena. It is a corner room so it also is a little bit quieter than most of the other rooms in the complex. I like it that way. I like to have the time to read and unwind. I know most of my teammates like to go out at night to enjoy the nightlife where ever we may be. But for me, give me a quiet park and a good book…yea…that is what I enjoy. Leaving home was tougher this time. I had met someone, a girl named Kelly. Well, she is not a “girl” per se. She is a student at the local university. She is studying to be a teacher. She loves literature, especially Shakespeare. I am not sure what will happen in this relationship, but I like talking to her. She lets me “nerd out” and enjoys talking to me about history. So that is another reason I like the quieter rooms, I can talk to her. We try to talk every day that I can, but sometimes the internet isn’t that good, so I write to her. I think she is pretty special, so I guess we will see. But back to the hockey! Well, I am not sure about how I should feel about this season. We started off really strong. We rocketed to the top of the Eastern Conference and it looked like we had a solid hold on it as the season progressed. But then we hit a tough patch have now dropped to 3rd. Now, it is only by 3 points, yea, the top of the conference is tight, but we have still dropped. I am hoping that we continue to keep it close. I mean, yea, if we end the season in 3rd place we would make the playoffs. But I think it would be awesome if we are able to win the conference on our way to the championship. The reason I have mixed feelings about this, yea, it sucks that we have dropped to 3rd, but as the team’s position got worse, I started to get better. I didn’t want to spend another season in the VHLM to garner any personal accolades. But I am not going to lie, it is pretty cool to see your name up in the Leader Board. When it is coupled with team success, the personal success is like icing on the cake. So while I am enjoying seeing my personal success, I would gladly swap it for a couple of more team wins. I know we cant do that, but as far as I am concerned, it would be fine if that could happen. I know the season isn’t over so there is still a lot of stuff that can happen. But I would prefer to get the team back on top of the conference before the season is over and then to make a run for that title! Yea, lots of hockey left to play so let’s make the best of it!
  2. Oh wow, so much has happened! Yea, I got really sick so I missed out on the draft and training camp, but I am back on the mend and am back on the ice. Yea, that is so crazy as well! I was told initially that I had accumulated “too many points” to stay in the VHLM, and then I was told that I was still under the point threshold so I was going to have 1 more season in the M. I know that after my career in the M is over that I will be joining the Oslo Storm for a season or 2. After that I will be heading to the Moscow Menace, so it is nice to be heading back to Europe. But what until then? Like I said, I was sick and wasn’t able to watch the M draft. I wasn’t sure where I would go and even though I had been in the M for a season, it was as a Waiver Signing, so I was going to be drafted for my final season in the M. My family decided to not watch the draft as well. They didn’t want to know where I was going before I found out. I went to bed, hoping I would feel better in the morning without any idea of what was going to happen next. I had talked to some of the teams, but I think the confusion about my eligibility made teams unsure about wasting a draft pick on me. On top of that, some of the teams had seen a turnover in their leadership, so the people I had talked to may have moved on to bigger and better things. So I really had no idea where I was heading next. I talked to my parents and they were really curious about where I wanted to go. In all honesty, I wanted to go back to Mississauga. I wasn’t sure if that was even a possibility, and even if they wanted me to come back. They were one of the teams who had a leadership change so I didn’t know the new Manager that well. Added to that is where they had their first selection in the draft. They didn’t have a selection until the 8th pick and according to all of the mock drafts, I would be gone before then. Needless to say that when I woke up the next day, feeling a little better I may add, I was so shocked to have about 15 missed calls from Mississauga Canada! I nervously called back and woke up the new manager before he excitedly told me that I was on the board when they were ready to make their selection and he told me, “We just had to bring you back.” I was so excited that I almost dropped the phone! We made arrangements for me to fly back to Mississauga as soon as I felt well enough to meet my new teammates and to reunite with my old ones. I went into the lounge to share the good news with my family. I know that all of the teams in the VHLM are good and positive environments, but there is something about being able to go back to a place that I know and feel comfortable in. Plus I get my old locker back! Now, lets win that championship!
  3. wrong place...sorry

  4. What an off-season it has been! It feels just like the regular season at this point. I had expected to spend a quiet few weeks at home, that is until I got the call that I had been selected to represent Team Steel in the Junior Showcase Tournament. So once again I packed my bags and jumped on a plane to head off to our training facilities. I called Mom and Dad once I got there to tell them I was at the team complex and let them know that I didn’t know where we would be playing the games at. But I would call and let them know how we were doing as the tournament progressed. I figured that I would be spending my time practicing and playing the tournament games. And yes, the practices were definitely intense! Hopefully we can translate that success from the practice arena to the tournament games. The thing that I didn’t expect…well…I had hoped would happen…is to hear from the scouts for the VHLM teams. Since I was a waiver signing for Mississauga I will be entering this season’s draft. It is odd to be considered a new draftee after playing a season in the league, but that is the way things are done. I actually had played the whole season with the Hounds and actually would love to go back there, but we never know how the draft will play out do we? While I was expecting the calls from the VHLM scouts and general managers, I dint expect to hear from VHLE staff, let alone VHL scouts! But I have gotten calls from scouts and other staff from those 2 leagues as well. I guess since I can be drafted by teams in those leagues even though I will not be playing in those leagues next season makes sense. That way they own the rights to me once I am ready to move up. One of the questions I invariably get asked is how quickly do I want to get to the VHL. My answer is always the same…when I am ready to contribute and wont be a liability on the ice. I completely understand that team needs will dictate all of this. But, all things being equal, I want to stay at each level as long as I can to be able to know that I wont hurt any team that I am playing for. What does all of that actually look like? I have no idea, but I 100% trust those who are in the front offices of the various teams to know when is the best time for me to make any changes in what level I am playing at. Speaking of which, is it acceptable for me to say that I am nervous about this tournament and next season? I had a great season for my rookie season. I think I ended up 4th in total points and was amongst some league top-rated players in being there. Will I be able to replicate that success next season? Will I be able to contribute to my team’s success in the WJC tournament? If I don’t have that level of success but we are more successful on the ice, then I am fine with that. I want to improve my team’s play and want to see us succeed. But will the front office, will the fans, be okay with me not putting up the numbers I did last season? I hope so because I think it will be a challenge for me to put up those numbers again. I hope I can, especially if they translate into more victories. Everyone knows you cant win if you don’t score, so that is what it is all based on. I don’t want anyone to think that I doubt myself, but I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself because that can be a problem within itself… The off-season is ongoing and the fun…and work..never stops! Time to enjoy the ride!!
  5. I will throw my hat into this ever-growing list of applicants EDIT: I currently would like to withdraw my name from consideration at this time. Thank you
  6. So this is how my first season in the VHLM ended…with a whimper instead of a shout. When I left my home in Bath to seek my fortune in North America as a part of the VHLM little did I realize how the season would progress and finally end. I joined the Mississauga Hounds because I felt that I would have a great opportunity there. The team didn’t have many forwards, I don’t think there was even a Center on the team when I joined. But I feltit would be a good place to start my career. If I got lucky I might score some goals and help them win some games. Even though I had joined before any games were played, I didn’t have much of a basis to build from. But that didn’t stop me from working. I spent so much time on the ice, getting to the arena when it opened and closing the doors as it was being locked up for the evening. I had blisters on my hands from practicing so long. But over time, they turned in to callouses. I felt my legs getting stronger and my eyes, as impossible as it seems, got even a little sharper. Finally, it started to pay off. My partnership with my teammates, Clapbomb Bardownski III and Konstyantyn Shevchenko, took the league by storm as we accumulated 333 points. To be part of this scoring threat was beyond my wildest dreams. The craziest part of all of this is that I ended up 3rd on the league points leader board. I felt like we were unstoppable…especially after the additions the team management made at the end of the season. Looking back on the season, before the playoffs began…I felt we were in with a chance. The season started slowly for us. But the team started to come together as the season progressed. The team management slowly added more and more players. With each addition, we got just a little bit better. The wins started to outnumber the losses and we ended to season on a strong run of victories. The locker room was excited, we knew that we had gotten good enough to win…the question was if we were good enough to win in the playoffs. We felt we were…but we all know those questions have to be answered on the ice so we settled in to do what we knew how to do…play hockey. We sadly lost in the 1st round of the playoffs…I really felt we could pull off a 1st round shock, but it wasn’t meant to be. But for me, I ended the season with an unbelievable 114 points. I scored 43 goals, 71 assists and had 4 game-winning goals. What comes next for me, I don’t know. But for now, I will head back to Bath and spend some time with my family. I don’t know if I will ever be able to top the season I had…but it will be fun to try… They say I am a top-5 draft pick…some even say I will go 1st overall. I don’t know about all of that. There is still a lot of hockey left to be played…it just sucks we are not a part of it… Between you and me though…I would trade all of my success to win the championship…accolades are nice…but trophies are so much better. Word Count: 565
  7. Appreciate the shout out. Im just trying to be the best teammate I can be....everything else is icing on the cake
  8. 1. Massive boost. We are trending upwards like a rocket. Hopefully that will carry over to the playoffs 2. I think we did good...but who knows...we could have done even better 3. Anything is possible...but I think a 2nd round exit is realistic 4. I think you have done great. No suggestions on how it could have gone better 5. Continuing to improve. As the saying goes....practice, practice, practice.... 6. Yes! Oh, it wasnt a yes or no question? Ah hell, I will still stick with Yes...love all kinds of ice cream, on a cone or in a bowl.
  9. When I decided to join the Mississauga Hounds as a waiver signing I had no idea I would become part of the league’s most potent scoring trio. Left Winger Clapbomb Bardownski III, Right Winger Konstyantyn Shevchenko and myself are responsible for an outstanding 325 points! I currently lead in points with 112 (42 goals, 70 assists) with Bardownski close behind with 108 points (37 goals, 71 assists) and Shevchenko pushing us to be even better with 105 points (49 goals, 56 assists). This goal scoring trio has accounted for almost 70% of all of the points the Hounds have scored this season. I have no idea what the post-season will look like for us…I hope we can pull off a shock or 2. But no matter what, this has been 1 hell of a season to be in front of the opposition’s net. It looks like Shevchenko will be going up and that Bardownski will, more than likely, be with the Hounds next season. But for me, who knows where I will end up. But I can say that this season has been one to remember and I cant wait to see what happens next! Word Count: 195
  10. 1. Great to see the additions! Looks like things are definitely trending upwards! 2. I think all of them are. I know it wont impact our seeding, but I think the success will show that the lines and strats are our best fit 3. I guess I need to decide am I going to be a scorer, or a set-up player. I dont think this balanced mind set will be sustainable 4. I think it is a combination of things, team need, the number of players in each position, what kind of earner the person is. I dont think there is a 1 answer for all situation for this 5. I think the opportunity to discuss things...not only about the team, but how things are going with the season and stuff 6. 22. Yes. I am a vet and I try to help raise awareness of veteran suicide. There are an average of 22 vets a day who take their own lives, so I wear 22 to remind people that 22 a day is 22 too many.
  11. Miami Marauders vs Philadelphia Reapers: Game 267 With every point needed by the Philadelphia Reapers to help secure them a playoff spot, this game was a good opportunity for the Reapers to show why they deserved a spot at the playoff table. Unfortunately things didn’t go as planned as they fell to defeat by a score of 5-1. The game was for all intents and purposes over by the first intermission as Miami had a 4-1 advantage. The fact that the Marauders were able to score 2 short-handed goals in less than a minute set the stage for the final outcome. Interestingly the fact that the 1st period saw the flurry of scoring, it also only saw 1 penalty, against Toby Cook from Miami for Holding Stick. The shots were also heavily in Miami’s favor as they outshot the Reapers 38-17. Miami took almost as many shots in the 1st period (14) as Philly did in the whole game. The Philadelphia Reapers are fighting to make the postseason, but results like this will make it more difficult for them to hold onto that vital 4th spot in the Eastern Conference. Word Count: 183
  12. With over 50 games played in the VHLM season, who is still fighting to get into the playoffs? In the Western Conference, the Mexico City Kings, Saskatoon Wild, Houston Bulls and San Diego Marlins have secured their playoff eligibility. Houston and Saskatoon may swap places, but I think that is going to be the only possible change in the placement. The Las Vegas Aces can play spoiler for one of those teams, but they will be sitting the post season out this year. In the Eastern Conference, The Halifax 21st, Miami Marauders and the Mississauga Hounds look like they have secured their respective spots in the playoffs. But the final spot in the East is still up for grabs. The Philadelphia Reapers currently have 30 points in the 4th spot, but the Ottawa Lynx are only 4 points behind. So this battle could go down to the wire with either team having a good shot of sliding into the final playoff spot. Good luck to all of the teams as we move into that final stretch! Word Count: 176
  13. Can I get this deleted please? I will post it next week so I can claim it then. Thanks!
  14. Well, the season is getting ready to wind down and how do I feel about things so far? First off, I miss my family. Being able to video chat with them every day helps, but it doesn’t replace the smells that waft through the house when ma makes our tea, but I will go visit them after the season. I have to admit I am really pleased with how things have gone for me personally, not so much for the team though. Yea, it looks like we are a solid lock for 3rd in the conference, but hey, who doesn’t want to be 1st? I know the playoffs is a different thing, we all start with the same record, but that is still a ways away yet. I have been practicing…a lot. I mean, what else can I do? I can only play so much Football Manager before my eyes start to cross. Plus, there is something comforting about being on the ice. I still am not sue to all of the traveling, different hotel rooms, different meals, different teams to play against…and different arenas. But the one thing that stays the same is the ice…so that is my “quiet place”…at least for now. The General Manager and Assistant have been helping me a lot and I cannot thank them enough. They have given me advice on how to get just a little bit faster and stronger, both of which will help me win those puck battles. I have been working on my shooting (of course) but also my passing. I want to be able to get the puck to a teammate if I don’t have a clean shot…and it seems to be paying off. I am currently in the top 10 in points, goals and assists. That is just crazy! When I tell my parents, Dad always says the same thing….keep your feet on the ground but keep reaching for the stars. I know most of the time it isn’t “cool” for us youngsters to remember what our parents tell us…I mean..they are all clueless anyway right? But this, yea, this seems to be good advice. I need to get the guts to tell my Dad sometime. He needs to know that I do hear him. Someone told me that is the tagline of some dude called Kasey Kasum who used to do the American Top 40 countdown. I don’t know where Dad would have heard it, but I still think it is good advice. So what do I do with my new-found notoriety? I try to hide in the shadows, haha. I mean, this is all so new to me. I guess I have to accept that I will get noticed putting up those kinds of numbers, but I didn’t come here to win personal awards, I want to win championships…and the better I am…the more I can help my team. Anyway, I am being told that all of this means I will probably be a high draft selection in the next VHLM draft since I was a waiver signing for this season. I guess that comes with the territory…just feels odd. I think I will stay at my parent’s for a while after the season and watch the draft with them. I was told that I am going got need an agent as well…I don’t even know where to start with that! Guess it is time to talk to Dad about it…yea…he will know what to do. Word Count: 580
  15. One of the biggest challenges with running a sim league is to find the balance between an enjoyable experience for the players while maintaining integrity in how the league operates. There are a myriad of ways to approach this, but most of the leagues I am in try to do it with a mix of encouraging players (new and old) to voice their opinions and ideas about how to improve the league. But even though this is generally encouraged, there is also a myriad of ways these suggestions or thoughts are dealt with. It is also important to understand the quality of the suggestions and feedback in how these responses are handled as well. I will be the first to admit that feedback of, “This sucks, I don’t like it, change it.”, normally elicits a response in kind. So those types of feedback are quickly ignored or some type of heated debate/argument ensues. But how are the other type responded to? That is truly a question that should be evaluated. When the feedback is not an attack, and even though I encourage people to include suggestions on how to improve things in their feedback, we all know there are times that the limited information the suggester has available makes that impossible. Or if they do attempt some suggestions, they are quickly shot down once the additional information becomes available. So where does the VHL fall into this scheme of management? I am sure if you ask 100 people you will more than likely get 100 different responses…so here is my insight to add to all of the others. I recently posted something about the disparity in the quality of the VHLM teams, not because of the quality of the players…but attributed more to the lack of players on teams. I had seen a heated discussion about this a few weeks ago, and when I was looking at my own team’s roster our lack of defenders was a glaring issue. So what had started as an analysis of how the team was doing quickly devolved into my ramblings of this issue of roster imbalance and how the limits on recruiting to limit tampering and a person’s desire to join a winning team instead of a losing effort means that the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. I mean, most people would rather be a 4th line forward on a team that looks like a lock to win their conference than join a team that is mired in the bottom of the conference even though they would get 1st or 2nd line ice time. I know, I didn’t do that, but then again, I am kind of an odd one. So back to my original thought behind this post….how would a team GM respond to a post that shows a current player thinks the current system is flawed? In a very respectful and informed way, that is how. I was told how the current system has been revised and that roster limits will be in place to keep waiver players from joining teams that are already “full” by VHLM standards. It was explained how the trading of draft picks enhances the system. I was given a response that encourages me to continue to provide feedback and share my thoughts. No one likes the “new person” to question the current state of affairs, it makes all of us feel inadequate, in a way. But everyone also knows the benefit of a new set of eyes…and a respectful conversation can improve any league….and makes the experience better for all! Word Count: 596
  16. We are at the 50-51 game mark in the VHLM season, so as we all start to look at the post season…here is my quick take on things. Contenders: Western Conference Mexico City Kings: 78 points from 51 games. They are the leaders of the Western Conference. Saskatoon Wild: 70 points from 50 games. The Wild could make some good roster moves and flip the script on the Western Conference. But roster management will play a big part in this. Houston Bulls: 67 points from 50 games. See above, the Bulls could do the same thing. Eastern Conference Halifax 21st: 90 points from 50 games….44 wins out of 50…say no more. I think this one is a lock, unless the 21st completely implode. Miami Marauders: 77 points from 50. Could shock some people in the playoffs, but the conference is Halifax’s to lose. Pretenders: Western Conference Saskatoon or Houston: Whoever doesn’t make the right moves will be there….just not enough. Eastern Conference Miami Marauders: I don’t think anyone will catch the 21st in the East When Does Next Season Start?: Western Conference San Diego Marlins: 55 points from 50 games. Right in the middle, but just not good enough to be a threat. Las Vegas Aces: 8 points from 51 games. Yea…a season to forget for sure Eastern Conference Mississauga Hounds: 41 points from 51 games. Trending in the right direction, but the lack of defensive players will keep them from being able to take advantage of the scoring trio they have. Philadelphia Reapers: 29 points from 51 games. Looking forward to brining in the next round of talent next season. Ottawa Lynx: 22 points from 50 games. A long season will end up getting longer for the Lynx before it is all over. Word Count: 294
  17. Miami Marauders vs. Saskatoon Wild – Game 200 The Marauders and the Wild provided a clash of styles that saw the Wild come out on top with a score of 4-1. The Wild were leading 3-0 after the 2nd interval before the Marauders were able to score at the 11:29 mark in the 3rd to keep from being shut out. The Wild scored in the waning seconds of the game to preserve their 3-goal margin of victory. The Marauders outshot the Wild by 8 shots, but were only able to find the net on with that single goal. Even with the Wild being outshot 30-22, they were able to score 4 goals on those 22 shots. This astounding shot-to-goal ratio of almost 20% towers over the Marauders of 3% ratio. The Wild have shown this level of success in other games this season and with their surgical approach to shot placement, don’t be shocked if they make a deep run in the post season championship. Word Count: 157
  18. Las Vegas Aces vs. Ottawa Lynx: Game 230 Sadly, the dire play of the Las Vegas Aces has continued as they fell to the Ottawa Lynx by a score of 6-3. The score reflected the 55 to 29 shot advantage enjoyed by Ottawa. The 1st period ensured that Las Vegas was going to be in for a struggle as they gave up the 1st goal to Ottawa 53 seconds in to the game. Before the 1st interval Trapstove Boutin scored 4 goals for Ottawa, with 2 of them only 11 seconds a part from each other. With the score 5-0 at that 1st break, it was clear that this was going not be the Aces day. They were able to score 3 goals to make the score respectable, but none were scored by recognizable players. For the players on the Aces, this is just another loss in a season that brings frustration to a new level…and they are looking forward to starting with a clean slate next season. Word Count: 160
  19. Thanks for the explanation! This has cleared things up, plus the restriction on waiver players joining teams that already have 2 full lines will be HUGE! I completely agree that trading pick is a great tool...and the previous model was completely unrealistic. It is great that a middle ground may be found and that it will lead to more parity in the league moving forward.
  20. So how has the season going so far for the Mississauga Hounds? 51 games in and it looks like, at least for right now, they have a solid hold on 3rd place in the Eastern Conference with 41 points, as compared to 29 points for the 4th place Philadelphia Reapers. Unless there is a massive shift, the Hounds look like a lock to make the playoffs. The Hounds are led by the scoring trio of Left Winger Clapbomb Bardownski III with 76 points, scoring 23 goals and 53 assists; Right Wing Konstyantyn Shevchenko who also has 76 points with 36 goals and 40 assists; and Center Ozzy Batty who has 84 points with 35 goals and 49 assists. This trio are currently ranked 4th (Ozzy), 5th (Clapbomb) and 6th (Konstyantyn) in total points for the league. Ozzy is currently only 8 points behind league-leading Jacob Longstreet’s 92 points. The trio is joined by Right Winger Anthony Simmons II, who has played 16 games and has added 21 points from 8 goals and 13 assists. Left Winger Laimdots Sarkanis has played in 12 games and has gotten 12 points through 6 goals and 6 assists. Right Winger Cody Cobberson has played in all 51 games has helped the team by scoring 17 goals as well as 19 assists to earn 36 points. The lone defender, Donald Carlson has played in 14 games so the hope is his impact will continue to improve. There are 2 goalies on the roster, Lane Ellis, who has played on 31 games with a record of 11-16-4 and Otto Wolff who has a record of 7-12-1 in the 20 games he has played in. This lack of defensive support has definitely had a negative impact on the Hounds. The challenge of not having defenders on the roster at the beginning of the season and hoping to lure free agent/waiver players to join a team that is mired in the lower half of the league standings presents a unique challenge for the team management. They cannot actively “recruit” the players since there are “no-tamper” rules. So how does a struggling team entice new players to become a part of their organization without the ability to approach them? Now that is the million dollar question! If I had the answer to that then I think we could build a record breaking franchise. There has to be a middle ground, where the team management can be allowed to interact with the new players and try to “sell” their organization without it coming into the realms of “tampering”. The ability to evaluate each team’s roster as well as the limited information that is provided in the “signing pitch” paired with the fact that newly created players are unsure of how the league works (well, most of them) can set up a recipe for the rosters to become completely unbalanced. Would a new player rather join a team where they are on 3rd, maybe even 4th line but who is leading the conference or get 1st or 2nd line team but with a team that is in the bottom half of the conference tables? That is a personal decision and who can blame someone from wanting to have a great chance of winning a championship? As long as players are allowed to select who they want to join and the team management adheres to the tamper rules, then it will be a tough challenge to build a powerhouse team with limited draft picks and a core of roster players already in place. Word Count: 591
  21. 1. I think the excitement of creating the player and going thru the 1st draft. Since I signed as a waiver pick, I havent gotten to experience the draft yet, but I am looking forward to it! 2. I think just reach out and try to engage with them. The toughest thing about joining a set team is trying to find your place...so I would do what I could to tell them that we will allow them to have the experience they want to. 3. To be honest, I think it would need to be a full re-allocation of the players to balance the teams out. Then have a system where waiver players are added to a team and not allowed to select where they go. Most people want to join successful teams. If that team happens to have a solid set of draft picks as well, then they just continue to reload...while everyone else is trying to rebuild... 4. Can I have a mix? I think someone who is too involved in the planning and not engaging the players can lead to a disconnect between management and the players. But a passionate firebrand can turn off the team because not everyone wins every game. 5. Bath, England!! Why not???? 6. Start the day out with a good ole English fry-up...spend some time listening to some music, Ozzy and AC/DC of course...and focusing on the upcoming game.
  22. Another series of games, another 2 losses. What does that make it, 4 in a row now? The fans at Mississauga are trying to continue to fill the stands for the home games, but even they are starting to worry that the Hounds may miss out on the playoffs. They have dropped to 4th in the conference, the last of the playoff spots…and they only hold on to that spot with a slim 1-game lead. As the players headed home after their last defeat, there doesn't seem to be any letdown in their determination, but we cant help but wonder if the lack of depth is going to hinder them as the season progresses. The active players on the roster continue to hold onto their spots on the league stat leader boards, if not improving it. But having 3-4 players who come to every practice, stay late to work together and are willing to do whatever they can to help the team, well, will it be enough when the team could have a maximum of 15 players? Only time will tell if the Mississauga hounds can hold on to that final playoff spot, but if recent results are anything to go by, then it appears their chances are 50-50, at best. Word Count: 211
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