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Everything posted by GiosPoolParty

  1. 1. How should we move in from here, start rebuild or cup push? I think we should start a rebuild, build off the strong start and go with the flow to get as much TPE as possible to be strong next year. 2. If you had to leave the team where would you go why? Mexico with The Mediocre One 3. With it officially being fall, what’s the best season and why? Summer because I can drink on the beach. 4. what team will win the cup why? Mexico now because of the superstar THE MEDIOCRE ONE. 5.how do we celebrate trade deadline this, you in charge of the plans? We celebrate by everyone meeting up in person and EATING CAKE! 6. With theme week what makes the best gm? Best GM makes great communication and playing this sim seem fun and not like a nuisance.
  2. 10+ Gio Naps (GiosPoolParty)
  3. 1. If you had to move to another team, what team would it be to, and why? Mississauga so I can become the top scorer of the team! 2. if you got to force a trade among two teams, what trade would you make? I would take the top player of Vegas for a draft pick to get stronger in the league. 3. what does Houston need to do to keep pushing up in the standings? we need to work as a team and start scoring more goals! 4. we finally beat the amazing goalie of Alexander Minion, what do we need to do to keep beating goalie with such skill? Well Minion is the worst goalie so we can always beat it!!! 5. Your in charge of baking a cake for charity event, what flavour are you baking and who get the first slice vanilla because no one hates vanilla. 6.nobody truly knows what AJ is short for in our gms name, if you had to guess what is AJ short for? (I think it Amazing Joker, but what do you think) and why? Aqua John because he always is slippery and a good person.
  4. Player Information Username: GiosPoolParty Player Name: Gio Naps Recruited From: YouTube Age: 16 Position: RW Height: 75 in. Weight: 195 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page @VHLM GM
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