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Everything posted by woog

  1. I’m not yet sold on NSG as evil. If we have evidence of a forger, a lookout claim can still fly. NSG: what did you see last night?
  2. VOTE DADAM 3 - ricer, woog, Alex I'm not sure of other tallies, but it seems unlikely they'll be consequential
  3. I'm down to vote one and jail the other.
  4. Can cunfurm. Am stoopid. Am town.
  5. Ah, trapper. Good memories of last game.
  6. My vote stands until I see some momentum on another candidate.
  7. Yesterday you voted for Doom when others went for our Arso. Shall I assume you're happy to vote for Doom again? VOTE DOOMSDAY 1 - woog
  8. To pressure him into giving evidence to support his claim, and to legit vote him off if we don't like the answer. It's a common thing early in the game to go after suspicious claims like this. People can always "un-vote" later as new information comes in.
  9. If you want claims, vote.
  10. Hello good people of Salem. Hello bad people of Salem. Hello three-to-six other people.
  11. Thank you @Gustav , for running another fine game. Ricer, you were town's guiding light, and Eagles, you rocked at mobilizing the votes. Santa brings town the good stuff this year. Snakeskin gloves n stuff.
  12. un-vote Lemorse Vote Doomsday. Can't have town divided after all.
  13. Gustav did confirm, right after Hatty’s reveal.
  14. This kind of madman. I felt you were town before your reveal, and had no one better to lay a trap for. If you hadn’t been alert last night…. anyway, nice teamwork. I imagine it’s easier shooting people stuck in traps?
  15. Pity I have to wait to learn the town role until after the vote.
  16. I don't much like that answer. VOTE LEMORSE. I fear evils less than some of the possible neutral alternatives at this point. Lemorse 1 (woog) Doomsday 5 (lemorse, adrest, hatty x3) It's early enough in the day to swing the votes. I'll also gladly swing back to voting for Dooms if needed. But I want Lemorse's claim.
  17. Uhh.. I guess that should read: did anyone learn anything about Lemorse (or Adrest) to put them ahead of Doomsday on the to-vote list?
  18. I fully expected to die last night. Wrote this lovely little will: And instead of folks flocking to me for death, they flocked to my trap lain on Eagles' bearskin rug: So, sticking with "listen to Ricer", my vote starts off on Doomsday, because I'm 100% confident in Eagles now, and can't imagine how Ricer could be faking his claim at this point. Now: did anyone learn anything about anyone else to put them ahead of Doomsday on the to-vote list?
  19. Huh? I didn't see a will at all in either of the day-start write-ups. What did I miss?
  20. I think my vote and play so far confirms you as the guiding light of my game so far.
  21. 7 votes should get 'er done. Anyone feel like giving me their reasoning as to why GLU is the better target to vote than Eagles? My only reasons are: eagles claimed a role an hour earlier GLU already had a vote or two on him, and momentum helps.
  22. For absolute transparency: I believe Ricer’s claim the most at this point. I’ll follow the herd toward whichever of GLU and Eagles draws the most votes. Then tomorrow, this game blows wide open.
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