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Everything posted by woog

  1. My top fear in this game is learning, too late, that Adrest is in fact the Arso, pretending to be a SK.
  2. @Adrest245 claims SK @BarzalGoatsurvivor? @Doomsday? strong defence? @jacobcarson877claims amnesiac survivor @Lemorse7witch @Ptyrellclaims arso @Ricer13godfather @woogclaims amnesiac survivor DEAD: Spartan - witch, killed by Godfather and cleaned by Advantage Advantage - killed after cleaning Spartan by ???
  3. As a rookie player who chose the same path a couple nights earlier… how tempted we’re you to remember arsonist?
  4. A second amnesiac remembering survivor means we now know all the roles in the game… just not which remain.
  5. Vote Ptyrell Igniting will hurt more than anything else in what’s left of this game. witches, learn anything last night?
  6. I heard Brutus wants to vote for Jacob.
  7. 10 alive, so should be 6, right?
  8. Have we seen @jacobcarson877 declare a role?
  9. Taking Ptyrell at his word would mean my vote for Doomsday would be wasted, as he'd die anyway. I'd want the veteran dead (if he wasn't already killed and cleaned) to win with the witches and arsonist. So, I'd vote for whomever might be the veteran that isn't already doused by Ptyrell, as they block the witch/surv win, or I'd vote for the SK, which also blocks the witch/surv win. If Ptyrell lives to see the night, and is telling the truth, it's a witch/surv win with either arsonist or SK joining them for the win. Loads of ifs BUT LOADS OF FUN. I heart chaos. @Ricer13, who would be getting your vote now?
  10. (Probably a moot point unless anyone changes votes - 7 will get the job done on ptyrell)
  11. VOTE DOOMSDAY As I've said before, I'm against taking out the veteran while he still keeps arsonist and SKs in check. And suspecting ptyrell of being the veteran seems to be driving his votes. Happy to lose the last townie, but not before trying for the arsonist.
  12. You’re sure you have it down to two candidates? If I see two or more, and others see me as a candidate, either I’m missing something or at least one arsonist candidate won’t be controlled tonight.
  13. Arso is absolutely the top priority. Based on numbers, witches will identify the veteran tonight if he isn’t lynched first. I want the veteran alive tonight, as an extra measure of arso/SK protection should we not lynch the arso.
  14. Seems the plan is send me to someone tonight to either have me harm them, get harmed by them, or… have neither happen if I’m incapable of visiting others or both me and the person I get forced to visit are peaceful types. I’m down with that. I choose to trust Ricer that he’s mafia for now, because it’s low-cost trust at this point. UNVOTE RICER Seems opinions are divided on whether I’m veteran, arsonist, or amnesiac-survivor. But those who think I’m not the veteran are voting for ptyrell, with some thinking he IS the veteran. Veteran staying around is the nicest night defence against killers, so I’m absolutely not joining a vote against him before we ID an arsonist and/or (second?) serial killer. my vote has to search for those roles.
  15. I haven’t claimed vet. I claimed Amnesiac remembering survivor. I think it was Lemorse’s post that suggested I might be vet.
  16. Yes, but are there non-mafia roles that can clean?
  17. The roles there are down to Godfather and Janitor (because of the cleaning) right? Am I right that no other roles can clean?
  18. Ah. So your trust depends on timing more than content. Gotcha. (The irony is I could have just remembered pyro instead... oh well.)
  19. In my case, I'm hoping to learn a little more about what you do here. Welcome to your job interview.
  20. Lol. Please teach me the “I was an amnesiac who remembered survivor and is now just desperate to not get whacked” speech so I can get better at it.
  21. VOTE @Ricer13 Just to get a reaction from the universe.
  22. I'm not clear what you mean.
  23. If so, an attempt to control me, or control someone at me, will settle the debate for you. Feel free. if I’m being honest, though, you’d be losing a night of countering the true arso, and I’d be alive tomorrow to validate my story, unless an arso lights is all up early.
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