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  1. 1. I just arrived this week so I don't know the details. I think last week was the trade deadline and some stuff happened. Marlins are doing pretty well recently I think. 2. We've got some new players coming, the team has been pretty good recently, so I'm hopeful we can go all the way! 3. Nicholas Sunderbruch Jr 4. I did not apply, I don't have the confidence to be a GM for the moment. 5. I'm happy where the tam is at, hoping for a good playoffs performance! 6. I just arrived in north america so I'm still adapting but I'm pretty happy with my play overall. I got my first assist and first goal this week so that was fun!
  2. Kurt Bachmann is born on 21st september 2004 in Brühl, a small city south of Cologne in Germany. His family is composed of himself, his brother Michael and their parents, Wilhelm and Hedwig. His father is a hockey fan, followed the NHL and love the history of the game. He also played roller hockey semi-professionally. Wilhelm taught his kids to skate early, first on rollers then on the ice. Kurt and Michael put on skates for the first time around 3 years old. Kurt loved the ice, the cold, the smoothness, the speed. His brother prefered rollers, so they never played together in a club, although they had plenty of fun in the streets. Michael followed his father's steps, currently playing roller hockey semi professionnaly himself. Kurt joined the Junghaie, the Kölner Haie development system, at 5 years old as part of the Junghaie U7 team. He was a good skater for his age and was always taller than average. One of his favourite things about hockey was that you are allowed to bump other kids. He developped entirely in the Kölner Haie system, from U7 to U18, when he reached 18 he was even called up to the big club and played a season in the DEL. Wilhelm loves talking about hockey, about the history, the players, how the game evolved throughout the years. He would tell the stories of the great players to his kids, Gretzky, Lemieux, Yzerman, Sakic... Kurt's favorite players were the big guys, being one himself. He loved hearing his father talk about Larry Robinson, Vlad Konstantinov and his favorite Scott Stevens. Kurt always loved the physicality of the game and these guys were who he wanted to model his game after. Scott Stevens is also the reason he wears the number 4. Kurt ended up growing to 1.88m and is comfortable playing at around 100kg. He became a good, reliable, shutdown defenseman. He doesn't do a lot of flashy moves and his skating is above average without being excellent. But he loves to throw big hits, he'll block shots even in the last seconds of a game and he uses his reach to poke the puck off the opposition player pretty well. He allows the forwards to be more calm and try some more risky stuff because they know he'll be there if something goes wrong. When he's on the ice the opposing players must be aware of that and keep their heads up. In school his favorite classes outside of sports were history and biology. His father's love for teaching him the history of hockey since it's inception started an interest about history in general and he likes to read about historical events. He was a pretty average student, not excellent but not terrible. He earned his Abitur (end of high-school diploma) with a slightly above average grade, then chose to not go to university to pursue hockey. Outside of hockey, on of his favorite pass-times is playing video games. He took that from his mom, whom he liked to sit with and watcher her play. He obviously play hockey games like EA NHL or Eastside Hockey Manager, but he also likes strategy and tactical games, like the X-Com series or Age of Empire. As a good german he also like simulator games, mostly Euro Truck Simulator. After his year with the Haie Kurt decided he neede a new challege. For that he decided to go to north america and join a VHLM team, hoping to improve and be drafted by a VHL team. Keeping with the Haie (Sharks) maritime theme he signed as a UFA for the San Diego Marlins. Although he had a good season in germany, his arrival in north america didn't make a huge noise, due to his low numbers he passed under the radar of a lot of scouts. So far on the ice it's going fine, he had his first assist in his second game and his first goal in his seventh while having a positive +/-, blocking shots and throwing some hits. He is learning to improve his level of play as well as adapting to the north american ice, although his style of play fits this smaller size of ice pretty well. The adaptation to north america is something that he is still working on, for that he can count on the help of his teammates and the Marlins management. Everything is bigger, further, than in europe. He bought his first car, a 2005 Opel Corsa. He currently rents a house around Pacific Beach, he thanked on of his new teammates for giving him the contact for this house. Kurt and his brother are very close, never having been apart before Kurt left for the US. They still talk every day, Kurt semi seriously trying to convice him to join him and play roller hockey in San Diego.
  3. Kurt Bachmann Kurt Bachmann is young defenseman that is an old school defenseman coming straing from Germany. Born in Cologne, Kurt developped through the Kölner Haie system from U7 to U20 and then joining the DEL club for one season. He had 4 goals and 17 assists in 56 games as part of the 3rd pairing of the Kölner Haie at 18 years old. The team managed to make the playoffs but Bachmann didn't score a point and the Haie was eliminated in the first round. Afer that he decided to come play in North America, and kept the maritime theme, by joining the San Diego Marlins. Position: D Shoots: Right Age: 19 Height: 6'2'' (1.88m) Weight: 220 lbs (100kg) Pros: Kurt is a good physical defensive defenseman that has a lot of potential to become one of the best. His style is very old school, he likes to hold the blue line and prevent anyone to come across it with a big hit. He also manages the gap with offensive players pretty well and pokes the puck out of their stick. He is also improving is puck protection skills very well, allowing him to kill time and clear the puck on the penalty kill. His very physical play, throwing lots of big hits are also a great way to disrupt the offensive team's play. He's clearly a player built for playoffs hockey. Cons: His very physical play can also be one of his drawbacks, landing him in the box more often than he would like. He also doesn't show up on the score sheet much, his mindset being that you win by taking less goals than the other team, his wristshot isn't good but he said he wanted to work on his slapshot. His passing is also decent but needs work to efficiently get the puck out of the zone at higher levels. His skating although sufficient for the DEL would currently be too slow for the VHL. He also has a tendency to avoid answering the bell after throwing his big hits. Overall Kurt Bachmann has a very strong base to become a dominant and scary defensive defenseman. He won't score a lot of points, be when he's on the ice the opposition has to keep their heads up and will have a hard time keeping the puck on their sticks. He'll become goalies best friend and give confidence to his offense knowing they have a strong guy to rely on and might allow them to take more risks.
  4. Player Information Username: Blutch Player Name: Kurt Bachmann Recruited From: YouTube Age: 19 Position: D Height: 74 in. Weight: 220 lbs. Birthplace: Germany Player Page @VHLM GM
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