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So Seattle has made it to the finals..... idk if this makes the early exit more painful or less painful, I mean on the one hand you feel like that could have been you and your team but on the other, your thinking well at least got taken out by a team that went to the finals and maybe even won it. Regardless though I am just making a article post to pass the week, from my understanding this week or next week will be last my last time to update Hexy. In the all time TPE standings he's 14th, if I get my last two updates he'll be up to 1565, if I can update next week I could get him up to 1578 if I max out and that would put him 13th and that would make me happy.


I know I know it's just TPE and a leaderboard but it's just what I like to do. I'm not concerned with Ori being a top draft pick, honestly if he went in the second round I wouldn't mind that. I don't know how much stock I'll have as it is only my second player but considering how much I earned on Hexy I imagine some may have faith in me. The only thing I have to say really is that I might not cap every week for Ori, depends on how I feel but I might slow down a little to make things easier on myself and reduce the chance of burnout, or at the very least slow it down. Honestly for those of you who can cap week after week, month after month, and maybe even year after year, how in the world do you do it? XD And I mean for people who actually have to do these articles, media spots, graphics, pressers, reviewing, trivia and whatever else there is. Anyway that's all I got to say. Ciao for now.....


(word count 324)

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