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1.5? I want at least 6


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The news about a third league being introduced into the VHL world has been a hot topic during the last few days. What does it all mean? Who is going to play in the new league? These are questions that many fans have been asking. Meanwhile, the teams are without a doubt looking into every possible detail to make sure they have a plan ready. The early reports suggest that the off-season before S80 is when we see the first draft for the new league. Players between 200 and 399 TPE are eligible to play in the new league.


One of the players who are in a bit of an awkward position is S79 draftee Erlantz Jokinen. He is currently playing in Yukon.  Erlantz has just over 120 TPE right now. If he can keep the current level of TPE earning up, he might not get to play in the new league due to having too much TPE. Or at the very least Jokinen should reach TPE levels that give him the ability to decide whether he plays in VHL or the new league.


Erlantz Jokinen shared the following statement in his Instagram yesterday:


''New league? And all the teams are going to be in Europe? I don't know how I feel about that one. At first, I thought it's great that fans get to see talented players in Europe, but after speaking to my agent and understanding what it means for the players, I'm hesitant. For example, the players will receive a salary of 1.5m or whatever their VHL contract is. What happens if and when I ask double the minimum from the VHL that drafted me? On top of that, If I'm forced to play in the new league, I'm going to ask something extra. We are looking at around 6m per year. Otherwise, I'm going to take it easy and not play. 1.5m? Cmon guys. We can do better. We must ask better. We deserve better''.




The financial side is interesting. As Jokinen pointed out, the salary the players will receive is not on the same level as potentially in VHL. If you are good enough to play in VHL, you might as well go for the VHL deal and play in VHL. Granted, it is not completely clear whether Jokinen realizes that he might not play in the new league even if he wanted to.


The finances from the VHL team's point of view also offer points for discussion. Are the VHL teams going to avoid signing their drafted players? A couple of players signed by teams in the new league over being in the books and against the cap of the VHL team is an advantage. Does it open the door for daring players, like Jokinen, to come in and ask for prime deals early on as there is more room under the cap?  


At this point, we can only speculate. We will get more information about the new league, and about everything it means for the players and teams in VHL and VHLM the closer we get to S80.

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