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Ah yes as we’re still blocking lots of shots I see and just overall I’d say a better season here? Possibly the breakout one? I felt last season I had a fairly decent one even though I could of been better this season however has been much more better across board for team success as well as personal. Now I do tend to think Cowboy Prout literally eats pucks for breakfast, lunch and supper as well snacks cause he’s a good ol hungry man. After a long day most have a cold beer or something. Not cowboy Prout with a rubber puck apparently but hopefully I can lead this stat this season as we continue through. Now I as usual last minute article for myself cause I’ve been on like four day bender and it’s finally caught up to me I’ve been going through the VHL shit seeing what’s happening and all. 

But the Wranglers have looked great. Phil and Su have been just absolute beats with Perry which I think have been just a solid bunch here and then with Eagles on the blueline and myself I think has been just overall a good season for everyone as this team Ricer has built for is playing great but overall a fun Lr and bunch to be around. I think Calgary has potential for a good run and hopefully continue to be a playoff contender after this season but with STHS you just never know. Anyways Calgary has fallen a couple spots in standings but nonetheless still in the fight for a good run just need some good games here played by us all and get those wins together! Cowboy needs to be a leader more on ice as he’s fallen off a bit lately but really let’s be honest what’s new? It seems he starts out every season fine but then drops offs so it can be frustrating but it is what it is I guess I’ve gotten him to a decent build just need some good sims and him to actually play at a better level that he should but hopefully he just starts to find his game and becomes better.

As for this year goals on his play I don’t think he’s hit them but he’s been fairly decent I just need to get more tpe applied as soon as possible cause I want him to be the puck eating machine that he was meant to be. Like that Mike Weaver that played for Montreal that one year and just ate pucks non stop as a none big defender but made the biggest impact on defensive side of things. Anyways that’ll be all on my puck eating Cowboy Prout I’ll be back again next week with a even more shittier article cause I’m out of content and just overall not in a mood to be typing non stop articles left and right as life’s busy here so this is just for fun  remember that! Cheers everyone and enjoy the weekend if your seeing this when posted 

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After a quick look at your stats, I see what you meant about "eating pucks". Prout has a real shot of leading the league this season trailing Kramerev by one currently. Calgary looks to be wildcard bound if they can keep up their current pace. Maybe Seattle will see you guys in round one. 9/10 article.

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