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I found myself sitting on my couch wondering what I'm gonna do with myself for the next thirty minutes. Then I came up with this brilliant idea that I'm going to look into just how I became the "quickest earner in my draft class." At least that was the case until I eventually went inactive-ish. Anyways, here are some seriously interesting fun facts that you should definitely read: 


Odin Omdahl was created the week of October 20, 2019. Roughly 36 weeks before my activity regressed on the week of June 28, 2020. Over the course of that 36 week period, my average TPE per week was 19.97 for a total of 719. About 65% of the TPE in only 43% of his career.

- Out of the 36 weeks, I capped out or earned at least the typical 13-14 TPE 30 times

- Of those 30 weeks, I earned 16 or more 19 times

- Of those 19 weeks, I earned 20 or more 13 times

- Won TPE lottery twice (not luck just skill)

- Claimed welfare only 3 times

- Failed to claim practice facility 1 time (how??? lol I literally lived on the portal)


Omdahl retired on May 16, 2021. 46 weeks after the dip in activity. Obviously the remaining 385 TPE was during this time. Good enough for hardly 35% of the TPE, or 8.37 per week. 

- Out of the 46 weeks, I claimed welfare 28 times, literally 9x more than the first 36 weeks

- Failed to claim practice facility 11 times 

- Claimed practice facility but not welfare 9 times 

- Failed to claim practice facility and welfare just one time, and claiming literally nothing 4 times


In the end, I'd say the story of Odin's career was the inactivity. It got off to a generally slow start, but with back to back 87 point seasons you could pretty much guarantee the production was gonna go down after depreciation hit the first time. I did what I could to keep him competitive in the end, eventually finding a nice support role build on that ridiculous playoff team we had last season, but you can only wonder what type of player he would've been had I continued earning as much as I had in the past. 

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