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Deadly Off-Season


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So, how long has it been for those players who were on teams that did not make the playoffs ?  Quite a long time, weeks, in fact.  Not only do they have to wait out the post-season, but the off-season as well.  In my opinion, this can lead to inactivity in a major way.  Our Retention Group should really take a serious look at this and perhaps throw in some kind of tournament or other for those players who don't make the playoffs.  As well, the focus should be on those players who are active, but not at an elite level.  I see where games like "Town of Salem" and the like start up during this time and, I guess the lottery tournament engender some interest.  Yet, I am concerned that we lose some players because they are not directly involved in some kind of sim.  It's like their player just stagnates for a month or so.  Just my opinion............

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