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This is for fun so do not take it seriously.



As many know, Mr. rjfryman is moving up to the VHLE to take over the historical franchise of the Vasteras Iron Eagles. With that happening, the Houston Bulls are left without a GM... This is an article of what I would do if I took over the Bulls Franchise.


First and most importantly, I would research the shit out of the S80/S81 draft class who are draft eligible. RJ kindly sold his entire squad this season for draft picks to stock up for the next GM. Draft picks include:


1st round: 2

2nd round: 1

3rd round: 2

4th round: 4

5th round: 1

6th round: 2

7th round: 1


In my eyes, this could be a huge opportunity to potentially build your team for the S81 season because RJ also stacked up his draft picks for S81:


1st round: 1

2nd round: 2

3rd round: 3

4th round: 2

5th round: 2

6th round: 2

7th round: 1


But in all honesty, with all of those draft picks I feel as if you could build a deep squad and build to win for both years since the TPA cap has been decreased to 200 if I am not mistaken. So, in S80 with two first round draft picks, that can guarantee two capped players by playoff time. One second round pick could also guarantee a capped player, and even the two third round picks could have capped players since the max has decreased. That's 5 potential good players, and I believe that is a good enough core for the VHLM. I would prefer to have a good goalie, center, defenseman, and then probably another defenseman and any position forward. Then with the rest of my draft picks in the S80 I could hopefully draft clickers who will be ready to go for a S81 cup run.


Then in S81 I would have a first round draft pick as well as two second rounders. I think that for the VHLM drafts you can get some solid players in the first two rounds, after that it gets into inactives, luck and clickers. I could even potentially trade some lower draft picks for some very underdeveloped players and hope that I can push them to even just be clickers and gain value. A 4th+ round pick for a 60 TPE clicker who turns into even a 100 TPE player and then goes inactive or inconsistent earning is a steal in my eyes.


Another option is to look at teams like Mississauga, Miami, and Philadelphia who all have great teams but no draft picks. It could be in my interest to trade my draft picks for underdeveloped players who have potential or not so that I build more depth to my squad while those franchises start to think about rebuild. Because honestly, after one good season in the VHLM, you can be right back at the bottom if all your players leave and you lose your main core.


Anyways, this was fun to type and think about. I have never been a GM in the VHL/M so I have no idea how anything works. Maybe what I am saying is completely how the system does not work, or maybe it is bang on... guess I will have to find out one day if I take over a franchise.

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Wow dude, this work is amazing, you really have a potential as an AGM.

I really like your idea, and I agree with you on everything, I also love how you go straight to the point, a rare talent lol.

 In the end this gets a solid 8 out of a 10. Good job mate, keep it up.

(In my opinion you should apply as agm for houston and maybe also ping rj, to see if he agrees on your ideas of this media spot,maybe he can also give you some advices on how to become an AGM).

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