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Even though the coming VHL draft does not have a date yet I am excited for it! Because who doesn't love a draft? especially when your team has 2 first round picks along with 5 2nd round picks!  Since the Titans announced their rebuild I have been looking forward to the drafts! With so many picks I'm eager to meet new people, and meeting new people will give me more friends.  This is the start of a new Helsinki Titans era, and I'm lucky enough to be the head of it, when I got my VHL draft interviews they asked what my goals for my career was and one clear answer that came to mind was that I wanted to be an important player in a successful team, you can't quite say that Helsinki has had their best years but it will come.  Another answer to that question was that I wanted to win some kind of individual award, and that I did (?) This season I won two unofficial individual awards, not only that they were also record breaking, the first one was most time on penalty kill and the second one was on least win % on faceoffs, this might sound like awards you did not want to win.  But it's two awards, only one person in the entire VHL could get one of them and I got two, reminds me off how good I am at award winning.


As I mentioned before a new Helsinki Titans era is beginning and the last season is a distant memory, quite possibly the worst Helsinki season ever, but on the bright side we really cant go down from here, with new people coming in and not so new people staying here we can only become better.  A new Scandinavian power house is going to re-enter the league and we are going to win something I can guarantee you that, although I really don't know who is going to be in this years draft I'm sure that we will do good, I'm also sure that we will get a more active LR, and who can complain about an active LR?  Either way I hope that there are some top tier defensemen as I'd say that is the position we lack the most.  But really any active player will boost the team because no matter how much STHS hates you if you have tons upon tons of more tpe than your opponent you will eventually win.  Unless Simon want's to troll you by making you go 62-10 in the regular season, fly through the playoffs then get swept in the finals, that's when you are allowed to rage -A s77 Mississauga story.  Bottom line is tpe good, earn much and you good, also that I am super excited for the coming VHL draft with tons of new faces that I'm eager to meet along with new friends and LR activity, I hope there's a gem we can pick up too, that has to be the best feeling after a draft, seeing that you stole a top tier player.

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Hello. I see that Helsinki is still in the rebuild. Sorry to hear how down your season was, but as you said there is really nowhere to go but up. On the bright side your individual point production skyrocketed from your rookie season, which is a positive. This draft looks to be a very crucial part of the rebuild if you have all of those picks. 8/10

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