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Outlaws Sign Cattrall


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Vancouver – A few hours ago a VHL dream was realized when the Turku Outlaws put out a waiver claim on Ryan Cattrall. The current Kitchener Ranger expressed interest of eventually “going pro” through the VHL’s entry draft next season as the VHL celebrates its upcoming 40th anniversary season. Cattrall spent three years in the OHL (Ontario Hockey League) Cattrall’s story isn’t any different than most having fought into the active rotation; he was named captain this past season after showing improvement in various areas of his game.  
The Outlaws landed and signed Cattrall as time almost expired and he would’ve hit the open market as a Free Agent signing, his claim is of good faith and comes in the process of the Outlaws trying to rebuild from within. Several insiders think that Turku could benefit from a young player like Cattrall coming in ready to work. Turku happens to sit outside of playoff contention and an added boost at Right Wing might be just what the doctor order. The Outlaws might not go deep into the playoffs, but they’re assuring they’ve at least got a shot at winning a game.
“The past few years all I’ve worked on was my passing and my skating ability. I really want to be a creator on the ice, I brought it up with my coaches and we’ve been game planning for that ever since. The ultimate goal is to play in the VHL, they’ve got some of the greatest hockey players in our sport to date and I want to be amongst those greats playing on a team for a cup. I know there have been slight concerns about the speed of the game and me getting into shape enough to play on the professional level, but we’re all playing the same sport. I’m just thankful for the opportunity and I really just want to take this one day at a time.”  Cattrall shared on local Vancouver radio half an hour after the claim was made official.

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