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A Second Luke Spinelli Graphic!

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Overall, this is a really cool graphic! All of the things I normally dig on with people's graphics are perfect here. It's got a nice theme to it and has enough "pop" without being distracting or overbearing. I really enjoy the consistency of the color scheme and the perfect logo swap! 10/10 would want a graphic for my player from you...

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Not sure have I seen the first one and probably I haven't, but it's all about this one right now. If you would like to compare this piece with some other pieces that we have seen on this forum, then I would say that this is an avarage piece, but, there is always a but. It's average from the perspective of skillset used, but as a whole graphic it is actually very nice and above average. For me this is one of those very simple, but still a nice graphic that hits all the spots and you don't really mind it. Jersey swap is done very good, the little design pieces are adding to the whole composition and overall it is a super balanced and nice piece. Great job!


Rating: 7/10 (7 compared to other graphics, 8/10 on its own).

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