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Trivia - why are we waiting for questions when we already have the answers?


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Over the years, we have seen who knows how many questions that need answers. Some enjoy finding answers to those questions, but a significant number of users consider such a thing to be a chore. In my opinion finding answers to questions is old-fashioned and highlights the unbalance in power between those in charge of asking the questions and with those who find the answers. It's about time we change it, and what better time than now as we have not seen Trivia in a while.


Instead of relying on someone to ask the questions, why don't we give the answers and you find the questions? It's about time we take control and get some of that power. I say S72 New York Americans and get two capped TPE for it. Someone else says ''23'' and they get 2 TPE. In this new system, both are correct. Why are we waiting for questions when we already have the answers? We deserve the capped TPE.


Power to those who look for answers. Power to those who have the answers. Boo to those who have the questions.





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