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A tale of two Brothers // Sailing on

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazzette


The blows come in and they come in quick. Rotkreuz' most successful hockey exports have played another two games against the Aces and the Marauders respectively.

The first match against the Las Vegas franchise was a close loss with a final score of 4-3. What was remarkable was that the Nevadians scored all of their four goals in a row in the first period. After that, they seemingly ran out of steam and were satisfied to nurse the 4-0 lead. Daniel was the first on of to profit from this slack and scored after a rebound from Jones who was served the puck by Iaxazaluoh. It was not a pretty goal there was a lot of chaos in front of the net, but we all know that pretty goal count as much on the score board as the ugly ones. In the second period Marcel shot from the blue line, but missed, however the puck came back from the boards to be a perfect set up for Mursu who was lurking in the slot for just such an opportunity. Midway into the third Simeoni scored the Reapers' third goal, and if the Reapers' power play would have been more efficient than it was (0/6) this could have well be a one or even two point game for the Pennsylvanians. Alas it was not. The Philadelphians even pulled Des Aves two minutes before the end but were not able to score the equalizer. The penalty killing was ok (1/4) and the goal tending was on the lower side for both teams with Des Aves' .818 vs Blanchette's .842. The three stars were John (1g/1a) and Jeremy Doe (1g/1a) as well as Mursu (1g/0a).

Marcel logged 0g, 1a, +1 and 2 PIM (for Holding)

Daniel was recorded with 1g, 0a, +0 and 2 PIM (for ruffling Toon's feathers (Roughing))


In the second match against the Miami team, the Reapers won 3-1. The Marauders opened the score at the 10:05 minutes mark. However the Reapers equalized the score eight minutes later, when Jones scored on Iaxazaluoh's pass. In the second, Sanderson scored in power play, assisted by TheGreat and Powers. Finally in the third it was Jones again who could tap in after Daniel faked a shot and had the D-man dive to block the shot and so opened the slot for Jones. Iaxazaluoh had the 2nd assist in this play. Des Aves showed a stellar performance with .958 vs Jarvinen's .893. The Reaper's power play was more efficient than in the previous match, though it is still lackluster (1/7) and the penalty kill was impeccable with 3/3. The three stars went to Jones (2g/0a), Des Aves for saving all but one of the 24 shots fired at his net and Iaxazaluoh (0g/2a).

Marcel had 0g, 0a, +0 and 2 PIM (for Hooking) to his name

Daniel was noted with 0g, 1a and +2


With the result of these two matches, the Reapers are back on a playoff spot and will face Ottawa (2nd) and Mexico (6th) next.


The Janser's numbers for the season so far are:

Marcel: 50gp, 13g, 26a, 39pts, -6, 40 PIM, 54 hits, 105sb, 1gwg, 6ppg

Daniel:  50gp, 24g, 27a, 51pts, -18, 32 PIM, 104 hits, 24sb, 3gwg, 5ppg, 1shg





























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Hey Daniel. I always enjoy reading these when I have the time, even when you weren't my teammate I'd always check on these because I find it very intriguing how you do these Media Spots and that you keep track of how you and Marcel have been preforming throughout recent games. Only thing that I could suggest, much as Mattyice pointed out is that the list of links to previous media spots has grown rsther long and perhaps you should implement a new system of linking just the past 1-5 articles? Just a suggestion completely up to you.


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2 hours ago, Masu Chan said:



Hey Daniel. I always enjoy reading these when I have the time, even when you weren't my teammate I'd always check on these because I find it very intriguing how you do these Media Spots and that you keep track of how you and Marcel have been preforming throughout recent games. Only thing that I could suggest, much as Mattyice pointed out is that the list of links to previous media spots has grown rsther long and perhaps you should implement a new system of linking just the past 1-5 articles? Just a suggestion completely up to you.



23 hours ago, MattyIce said:

That's alot of links...


For sure is, and I think I will adjust to Masu's suggestions to cut them... thanks for the feedback both of you. much appreciated.

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