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A tale of two Brothers // Three Quarters done

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazzette


Our Swiss Hitmen are restlessly approaching the end to the regular season, and they have a mission from their GM: to make the fifth rank their own. To do that, they faced the Vegas Aces and the Yukon Rush.

The first game against SinCity they won with 6-2. The Reapers staked their claim after 13:22 minutes into the first, when JP passed to Jones, who ripped a wrist shot. Same was initially wide, but Daniel in the slot deflected it mid air to score for the 1-0 lead after 1:10 minutes of power play. In the second period, it took the Reapers only 7:02 minutes to score again. This time it was TheGreat who won a face off in the neutral zone, Marcel hovered up the puck and one-touched it with a no-look pass to Bernier, who had no difficulties to beat the Aces' netminder in the ensuing one-on-one. A mere eight minutes later, Daniel scored again in power play when he hammered from the wing Jones' pass via crossbar into the net. In the third period the freshly signed Lamb scored his first goal for the Reapers, assisted by dokis and Moinet on the 8:57 minutes mark. Five minutes later, Iaxazaluoh scored an other power play goal, assisted by dokis and Sanderson. The final goal went to the Captain who received the pass via Daniel and Iaxazaluoh to make it 6-2. A little bit surprising, Des Aves had a worse save rate (.800) than Blanchette (.860). For once, the Reapers' power play was more than efficient with 3/8 and their penalty kill impeccable (5/5). The three stars went to Daniel (2g/1a) with the game winner, Jones (1g/2a) and Iaxazaluoh (1g/1a).

Daniel had 2g, 1a, +1, 8 shots (top of the team) and 6 hits (also first of the Reapers)

Marcel logged 0g, 1a and +1


In the second game, the Reapers had to eat humble pie as they lost 6-2 to the Rush. Yukon came loaded out of the locker room and scored after only 1:30 minutes into the first period. They had three unanswered goals until midway of the second period the Philadelphia team in form of Mursu scored their first of the game, assisted by Bernier and Marcel. However, the Rush pulled two goals back, one of which was a short handed goal by Karjalainen and if we did not know before why the former Brigade team mate of the Janser's scored 57 goals so far, we do now. After two minutes into the third Daniel gave the Reapers a breath of hope when he scored one ugly goal on the rebound of Iaxazaluoh's shot. Alas, the Yukon team wouldn't have any shenanigans from the Reapers and sealed the deal with a power play goal with only four minutes on the clock. Des Aves had .829 against Price's .895. The power play was not only inexistent (0/5) but they were also scored against while being on a one man advantage. The penalty kill was decent with 6/7. The three stars went to Yukon players exclusively Karjalainen (1g/2a), Colors (1g/1a) and Hogan (1g/1a). 

Daniel recorded 1g, 0a, +1, 2 PIM (for Elbowing, with no consequences on the score board) and 6 shots (first of his team)

Marcel was noted with 0g, 1a, and -1


The Reapers occupy rank 7 at the moment, but from rank 5 to 9 there is only a gap of 6 points. So no rest for the wicked and the Devil take the hindmost.


The stats for the Jansers so far are as follows:

Marcel: 55gp, 13g, 30a, 43pts, -7, 40 PIM, 59 hits, 115sb, 1gwg, 6ppg

Daniel:  55gp, 30g, 30a, 60pts, -15, 40 PIM, 118 hits, 24sb, 4gwg, 8ppg, 1shg


It appears, that several news outlets and scouting agencies have laid their eyes on Daniel's progress and performance, especially since joining a playoff-worthy team. He was rated a Top Ten draft prospect for the coming VHLE draft and some even saw him as a Top Twenty pick for the VHL draft. However, when our East Coast correspondent Saratoga Steele approached Daniel for a statement on the matter, the latter politely but firmly denied the request with the reason that he wants to focus on the remaining games and will not comment on this topic until the season comes to an end. We can hardly fault him for this and keep our fingers crossed for the Reapers, Marcel and him. 











Edited by Daniel Janser
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