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a tale of two Brothers // Climbing the ladder

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazzette


Time flies and a lot has happened since our last article revolving around our intrepid heroes. Four games were played and the Reapers won three of them.

The first match was against the Mexico City Kings, which ended 4-1 in the Reapers' favour. The first period went ended 0-0. After 4:04 minutes into the second period, AL scored his first goal for his new team assisted by Ixazaluoh and Laperriere. The Mexicans pulled one back around mid-way through the period. Powers then reinstated the one goal lead, assisted by Mursu, who redirected Daniel's astray shot into the slot during a Reapers power play. In the third period the Philadelphians put the nail into the coffin and scored two back to back goals by Bernier (TheGreat, Mursu) and Jones (Ixazaluoh). The three stars were Ixazaluoh (0g/2a), Headtop (0g/1a) and Avens (1g/0a). Frankly, we think Des Aves was robbed of a three stars nomination for his formidable .929 save rate (vs Hank's .857). The special teams were also performing with 2/2 penalty kill and 2/7 power play.

Marcel was noted with 0g, 0a, +0 and 2 shots blocked (top of the team)

Daniel had 0g, 1a, +0 and 3 hits (first of his team) to his name


The second game was against the Saskatoon Wild and everyone expected a win from this encounter. Alas, the Wild put up a fight and won the game deservedly with 3-1. The Reapers' only goal was scored by Daniel after 27 seconds in the first. Ixazaluoh gained the puck in his defensive zone and passed the puck to his fellow D-man Sanderson. The latter noticed that Daniel has already taken off for a rush and perfectly timed the pass so that it reached Dan on the opposing blue line. Dan dodged the first defender's check (who went into the boards) and played the puck in between the second's legs, picked it up at the other end and beat Wumbo in the five hole. Unfortunately, that was all for the Reapers. Arpa saved .875 of the shots fired against him and while this is a decent performance, he was outclassed by Wumbo (.964). The three stars went to Wumbo for his impressive game (.964 saving rate), Daniel for his highlight reel goal (1g/0a) and Tentacles (1g/0a). The Reapers special teams were a mixed bag with the pk being okay (3/4) but the power play desastrous (0/6).

Marcel recorded 0g, 0a, +0 and 2 PIM (Hooking, which led to a goal against)

Daniel achieved 1g, 0a, +1 and 7 shots (most of his team)


The third game was against the Houston Bulls and ended 3-1 for the Reapers. Still miffed about their unexpected loss, the Philadelphians came hot out of the locker room and scored after one minute, after 12 seconds of power play. It was Daniel in the slot who deflected Mursu's slapper (he received a pin point pass from JP) from the point and let Martello no time to react on the puck's change of direction. At 12:26 minutes Bernier scored the 2-0, assisted by TheGreat and Mursu. Three seconds before the end of the period, the Bulls pulled one goal back. Daniel was not happy about this change of events and hammered a slap shot home from the left face-off mark. Powers and Jones were the assistants on that rocket. Ten minutes later, the Texans scored an other goal, but after that Des Aves closed the shop and the score stood 3-2. The Reapers' netminder was slightly better than his opposite number (.905 vs .900). The Pennsylvanian team did a perfect job of shutting the Bulls' power play down (4/4) and the power play, while not extraordinary, was okay-ish (1/7), but could do with some tweaking. The three stars were awarded to Daniel (2g/0a, including the game winner), Mursu (0g/2a) and Delle Donne (1g/0a).

Marcel logged 0g, 0a, +1 and 3 shots blocked (top of the team)

Daniel was noted with 2g, 0a, +1 and 2 PIM (Holding, logically no goal scored in the ensuing power play)


The fourth and final matchup was against the San Diego Marlins. The match was tight and ended with 4-3 for the Reapers. The game did not start well for the Philadelphian team as the Marlins scored two back-to-back goals in the first period to the Reapers none. The second period, the teams neutralized each other and no goals were scored. In the third period though the Pennsylvanians came back with a vengeance. First, Daniel scored a wrap around goal assisted by Mason and Anderson. Then TheGreat scored on billiard-pass from Marcel via the boards behind Byrne's crease (Mursu had the second assist). The Marlins reinstated the one goal lead with eight and a half minutes left in the game. Other teams would have broken under this blow to morale, but not the Reapers, they are made of sterner stuff. Sanderson in power play (assisted by everybody's favourite Guatemalan, Ixazaluoh and Jones) tied the game. While the Marlins were already settling for sudden death, Daniel delivered the coup de grace. Mursu won the puck in the neutral zone, passed to Jp, who one-touched the puck to Daniel who went through the Marlins' defense like a hot knife through butter and beat Byrne with a backhander on the far post. The win came at the price though, as the Reapers' captain Jones was sent off for an alleged 'Attempt to injure'. Des Aves saved .885 of the shots, while Byrne had a night to forget (.765). The Reapers' penalty kill was once more flawless (3/3) while their power play was unusually effective (2/3). The three stars were Daniel (2g/0a including the game winner), Sanderson (1g/1a) and Preobrazhensky (1g/0a).

Marcel had 0g, 1a and +0 to his name

Daniel recorded 2g, 0a, +1 and 5 shots (top of the team).


We cannot help but feel that Daniel's engine is already revving on playoff mode. Apparently this opinion is shared by his team mates as the Reapers Key was awarded to him for the second time for his stint with the team. Marcel on the other hand, while being less spectacular than his older brother, is still doing the small things right and puts his body in harms way. As mentioned before with him and Ixazaluoh, the Reapers can count on two of the best shot blockers in the league. 


By the efforts of the last 10 games the Reapers are now on the 6th rank and with that kind of pace have even a shot to get the home ice advantage in the playoffs.


The stats for the brothers are as follows:

Marcel: 61gp, 13g, 36a, 49pts, -1, 46 PIM, 67 hits, 128sb, 1gwg, 6ppg

Daniel:  61gp, 35g, 32a, 67pts, -12, 42 PIM, 128 hits, 25sb, 6gwg, 10ppg, 1shg


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Edited by Daniel Janser
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Review: I like the analytical look at the difference between you and your brother. If you added some splashes of color and maybe a picture it could make it look so much more inviting to read. All in All its nice and id rate it a solid 7.5/10 adding some bold text and color would do a ton to increase that score.  

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