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VHL NETWORK - Slimmer Race

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Hello everybody, I'm Vasily Pachenkov and you're watching VHL Network. New games have came in and we have some news for all you Riga fans out there. They onlh have one game left and they are 4 points behind the Warsaw Predators. So even if they win this game, they will not make it into the playoffs. That's right. The Riga Reign have fallen out of the playoffs race. So now it's the Warsaw Predators, the Prague Phantoms, and the Davos Dynamo. Warsaw is behind by 1 point, while Prague and Davos are tied with 77. Prague and Davos have one game left, so whoever wins gets in the playoffs. And whoever loses may be run over by Warsaw if they win their 2 games. But what if both teams win? Then it goes down to goal differential, which Davos and Prague are also tied in. And if it's tied again, it all goes down to luck. And if Warsaw loses those 2 games, then they can kiss the playoffs goodbye.  


This is Valisy, signing off.

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