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Mathias' stock on the rise?


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ON THE RISE -- Is Mathias' stock on the up?


One week removed from announcing his intentions to join the VHL ranks in some capacity, Maxwell Mathias wound up finding himself in another radio interview. Rumor has began to circulate that Maxwell's stock was on the rise, and after some local play, Maxwell seemingly captured a few eyes. It's been said that his attention to detail, and defensive mannerisms stuck out in recent memory. In doing so, this would cause him to climb up many mock boards. Going from a bottom of the barrel talent, to rounding out into the top 25. It's a modest climb, but Mathias opened up on a local outlet, sharing his thoughts. 


"It isn't something that just came out of nowhere. I wasn't going to just sit by and watch the other guys in my class try to outperform me. I had to grab the opportunity by the hand and forcefully thrust myself up those rankings. It's no secret that I have a cousin in the SBA. People forget that we're from the same branch, and I have just as much athleticism as he does. When people look back at me, I wasn't even able to make a high school football team, or basketball for that matter. I wasn't skilled enough to those coaches. That crap left a very sour taste in my mouth. I want to prove those people wrong. So when I look back and I see that I'm not only climbing the rankings, but I'm getting attention too -- It's awesome. I won't mention names but I've already received several draft letters, and communicated with a few GMs around the league too. It's surreal. It's all coming together nicely. I just have to keep doing what I've been doing. I just have to thrive, and get better with each passing day. This isn't going to happen over night, but I can assure you that I'm going to be one of the best players to come out of this class. I guarantee it!


It was a very short message, but it was a direct one. Maxwell knew his potential, and he was aware of such. He wasn't going to accomplish his goals over night, but he had the intentions of achieving each, and everyone of them. 


373 words. 

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