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(S82) G - john phineas blasconippo, TPE: 60

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Hey @johnbl!


We currently have a starter and a backup but we can get you on the team too. you would only play a handful of games. This can change when you earn more TPE. You can grow to be our backup goalie this season! We have a great discord community too.


Just reply with #HAILTOTHEKINGS to join us!


-Justin - Mexico City Kings GM

Hey and welcome to the VHL, I'm one of the managers of the Ottawa Lynx and we can offer you mostly pine the rest of the way because we have two great simulation goaltenders right now that haven't had a big chance themselves. If you are cool with all that just let me know by quoting this with a #GOLYNXGO and I'll get the paperwork ready :)


Obviously if you end up earning a bunch in the next few weeks you'll find yourself possibly starting in a few games and behind the starter to replace him just in case


A lot of teams have this issue as well so if you want to recreate into a forward or defender you'll be more sought after!

Edited by 16z

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