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Becoming a Marlin


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It was a normal afternoon in the life of Maxwell Mathias, he was training, preparing, and overall looking forward to the future that stood ahead of him. As Maxwell sat idly by waiting for his name to be called, it felt like an eternity. 36 selections toppled before Maxwell. Secretly, it left a sour taste in his mouth. This taste was also met with some form of motivation. He was prepared to go wherever he was needed, then it happened. @JB123 San Diego's general manager would call Max, letting him know that he was their next selection. As the minutes passed, it felt like an eternity for Maxwell. After his name was called, it was a surreal moment. Finally, he had his chance to shine. When asked about being drafted, this is what Maxwell had to say: 


"I'm not the type to get upset over not being selected as high as I felt I deserved to go. I'd be lying if I said it didn't motivate me. I'm coming to San Diego to show the world exactly what I'm capable of. I've got this chip on my shoulder, not because I'm envious of those who went before me, but because I'm ready to showcase the 30 plus people who went before me why they're not gonna be like Maxwell Mathias. I'm my own unique person. I'm myself, and that's the way I like it. I'm going to come out on that Ice, and skate like nobody has ever skated before. I'm gonna push boundaries. I'm going to fight for every possession, score when I can, and defy odds. San Diego? Let's get it! Go Marlins! "

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