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        The bestest of friends.


before the sim Mexico vs Ottawa) Boris is just looking at the team they are going against while Boris cat Vindisk lies on him, he sees a name he hasn’t seen in a long time, Ed Nu, the goalie for the Ottawa lynx.

As Boris tries to remember him, he finally remembers that he used to play in the small leagues in Russia just like Boris. Hours later Boris is on the ice just before the game starts he sees Ed Nu on the bench, he skates over to the Ottawa bench and tries to get the attention of Ed Nu.


Boris: Hey Ed! I haven’t seen you in a while. How's it been?

Ed Nu: Oh, it's you! I remember you! You are… Boris right? Shit it's been a long time since we’

Ve seen each other?

Boris: I never thought I would ever see you in a lynx jersey! Congrats for getting into the VHLM man!

Ed Nu: Thanks!

Boris: After this game, wanna chill out? Like I know a store full of sweets and I planned to go there by myself but now that you’re here how about you come along? I'll pay!

Ed Nu: sure! But let's not think about the store, we gotta think how I'm gonna save more than you

Boris: Oh really now, huh? Well let's see

After the game Boris and Ed Nu hang out together buying pretty much everything from the store and just having fun. They talk about their homes back in Russia and their life now.

Just a great amount of fun. They both give each other their numbers, so they can hang out more often. But as they start becoming friends, a little rival starts on who is the better goalie.

With Ed Nu trying to get more saves it starts getting competitive, of course this isn’t like a fight rival but more of a friendly rival.

Months later they are still the bestest of friends with a bit of tendency to see who's the better goalie, they both hangout and have fun and just buy sweets they know they gotta be practicing for the games.


 (at candy store)

Boris: Эй, Эд, я получил несколько билетов на поездку в Россию хотите приехать?

(Hey Ed I got some tickets for a trip to Russia. Wanna come?)

Ed Nu: Хм, едем ли мы в Москву или в мой родной город? Я очень хочу поехать к своей семье

(Hmm depends are we going to Moscow or my  hometown? I really wanna go see my family) 

Boris: Мы можем поехать в оба, у меня достаточно денег, чтобы поехать в Москву до Токио, и не волнуйтесь, я могу заплатить за все еду в отеле все

Ed nu: Ну, хорошо, что хорошо знать, когда мы уходим?

(Oh well that's good to know when are we leaving?)



Boris: На следующей неделе, чтобы вам лучше упаковать чемоданы только потому, что мы уезжаем из страны и возвращаемся в Россию на месяц или около того, не означает, что мы перестанем играть в хоккей

(Next week so you better pack your bags just because we are leaving the country and going back to Russia for a month or so doesn't mean we stop playing hockey I know a rink near Moscow we can play in)

Ed Nu: Pff хорошо, но даже в России я буду бить твою как вратарь

(pff alright but even in Russia I will beat your ass as goalie) 

Boris: Хорошо, тогда приготовьтесь к тому, чтобы быть эмулятором Эдом

(alright then get ready to be humiliated Ed)

Edited by comrade cat
they wouldnt accept it plus it wasnt 500 words my bad
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Hello. I don't like the absence of quotation marks since it is improper grammar! (Not a huge deal but I generally think it does make it more appealing). 


I don't think I've ever seen someone take a picture of their media spot and then post that either, that's pretty strange. Copy and paste exists lol. Generally a good read though, I did like it. 8/10

Edited by a_Ferk
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