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Will past repeat itself?

Mr Bohannan

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Team was active and played strong, making a lot of close games. Management continued to look for deals and manage to secure some good player trades, making the team stronger that ever. The question was - will the new player be able to adapt quickly to the new team and teammates and offer any good power to the already existing one within Vikings. Besides that Matt kept his head down and fully focused on the games, but unfortunately things started to not go the way he would have hoped. He slowly started to see similarities between Vikings and the Kings. The season, same as with Kings, started on a very good note and Matt was doing super good too, but then midway season things changed, same as they are now right now with Vikings. The team started to struggle to win. All the games were close, but mainly loses and the team slowly started to lose their position in standings. In the end Kings were fighting for the last spot for the playoffs and did not get it. One thing Matt does not want to see is the history to repeat itself, so he is determined to do all he can to not have the same experience he just had, last season.

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