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Maxx Destroys Men Yet Again: Determined to be the Best

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Marshall Maxx has continued his scheduled reign of destruction over the VHLM this season. Beginning his professional career last season, he was determined to become the best hitter, and in turn the best defenseman, in the VHL. He has trained and trained in order to hit opposing players as hard as humanly possible. Admittedly, he has not reached the limits of human destruction yet. In an interview this last week, Maxx made the remark: "I continue to get better and my teammates continue to get better, but at the end of the day this is just the VHLM. Nothing comes easy, but I have to keep working until I break my own limits. I have to continue to get better and stronger to be able to compete in the VHL in the future, because compared to the guys up there I just don't hit hard enough." With time and hard work, I believe that Maxx will hit harder than the rest, but the road to get there, as Maxx said, won't be an easy one. 

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