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Unlocking the Doug Schneider Vault - Ep. 1

Da Bearfan

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Doug Schneider was a four-time all-star before disappearing from the VHL. After 30 seasons away from the league, he has since returned with his son Danny. In this recurring series, Doug will share first-hand accounts of his favorite moments from his time both in the VHL and in the years since.


Episode 1: The Season 2 VHL Draft




"I joined the league just after the season 1 supplementary draft, so I had a few weeks where I wasn't on a team and just waiting for the first season to end so I could get drafted. Being a hot shot rookie, I was very excited to get my career kicked off... but I had some conditions. I didn't want to waste my time sitting on the bench, so I made it pretty clear that I would only play for a few teams. If I can remember correctly, it was Calgary, Avangard, Toronto, Vasteras, and Helsinki. I especially made it clear that I wouldn't play for Hamilton. So draft day rolls around, and I'm all pumped about my career getting kicked off. I knew I wasn't going to go in the first round, and I was totally okay with that. I was no where close to guys like Christian Stolzschweiger, Sterling Labatte, Matt Defosse, Brannan Anthony, Guillaume Latendresse, the list goes on. Anyway, the first round comes and goes and I'm still on the board. So I'm looking at who's scheduled to draft in the second round, and 6 of the 8 picks are owned by teams that I said I would not play for - Stockholm, Hamilton, and Seattle. So of course, my name is called by Stockholm with the second pick of that round. I threw a fit. I mean, really threw a fit. So Stockholm's GM is freaking out that his 2nd round pick is refusing to play for him. So he deals me to the first team that sends him an offer (a terrible offer, at that)... which just happened to be Hamilton, another team I wouldn't play for. Of course, thinking back on it, it was a brilliant move - buy low, sell high. Shortly after I got my wish, in the form of a trade to Calgary where I went on to win two championships with Boulet, Slobo, Sterling, and all those other legends. So that's how I was traded twice before I ever stepped on the ice. Which I guess means that the moral of this story is complain until you get exactly what you want."


Season 2 Draft

Season 2 Draft Day Trades

Edited by Da Bearfan
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