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Augustus Standing His Ground


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When Augustus Kennedy first broke into the league, you wouldn't have been able to sell his name to many fans or even other players, as he was well behind in training hours and was not doing the best between the pipes for Saskatoon, a lot of people doubted his abilities as he was a bit of a late bloomer coming into the league and was playing with people who were just outclassing him, however as of today's stature and viewpoint, he looks like a completely different player. 


Augustus has now seemingly found his footing for the league and has really stood his ground for Saskatoon, being named multiple stars in multiple games, winning his teams game axe for his recent shutout performance and helping his team climb to second in their whole conference, fourth in the league. With this new dynamic shift of his game style and play, a lot of people have now changed their perspective on the young goalie and a lot of comments have come flooding in that whatever he did, has really improved his overall demeanor out on the ice and it's really affecting his ability to win games, in a positive way. We'll continue to keep on this story for the near future just to see if it's a fluke, or if it's something to be intrigued about, but for now, Saskatoon fans and players alike are very happy to see their team winning games. 

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