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Today, Kisslinger II got a side job, and that side job happened to be puppy sitting. Kisslinger II was tasked with watching a small French bulldog puppy. The puppy's name was Bentley. Kisslinger II does not do fairly well with responsibilities, so this is a daunting task. Kisslinger II is not a very big animal person so this was something he was not really looking forwards to. Kisslinger II was ready to conquer this task, and who knows, maybe he will become an animal person. Kisslinger II never had any animals growing up so he has no experience with them.  Kisslinger took Bentley to the Warsaw training facility and he was an instant favorite in the locker room. Kisslinger saw how much joy this puppy was bringing to the locker room, so Kisslinger got permission to take Bentley to the facility every so often. Kisslinger was still iffy on animals as he really only likes to focus on himself. 

Edited by Kisslinger
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