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Claimed:Brock Waldron (Light Edition)


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Effort: 2/2 - Text, stock work, coloring. you've got enough since you are relatively new, just try to work on lighting and blending next and you'll improve fast.


Look: 1.5/3 - The coloring is way off here, try to stick to complimentary colors 2 or three at the most. The blending is also non-existent. Try duplicating the background and bringing the duplicated layer to the top, set it to 80% opacity and erase around the face and torso with a soft brush until it is blended and looks good. The text is also not my favorite but I feel that if you use something simpler and overlap the render with it a bit you wind up with better flow. Lighting here doesn't exist and it's a pretty good chunk of making a sig look great so maybe hit up some tutorials on that. As far as the size, it's huge. Smaller sigs tend to look better and hide blemishes better. 400 pixel by 180 pixel is what I use and it works out decent.


Creativity: 1/1 - Sure


Total: 4.5/6

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