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Armani training


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 Armani slapped another shot to the goal, and it barely makes it in as he wipes the sweat from his forehead.


 "You'd think that the cold of the ice would help you not sweat, but apparently not" Armani said to the coach "I still have work to do, before everything happened I'd make that goal dead center"


 "Yeah you just need to keep training" Coach says as Armani goes to slap another shot "your body is getting used to training again. A year off will make you sloppy, so training is the key."


 "Yeah that is what dad says to me a lot" Armani smiles as he manages to hit the shot dead center "there, now that is an amazing shot'


 "Ehh it could be better" the coach smirks "don't give yourself too much credit, or you will get complacent."


 "Yeah I know. I am not getting complacent in any way shape or form, and I know I am a long way away from what I used to be. It will be an long road for me, but I am ready to help bring a cup to Toronto."


 "Now that is what I like to hear! Now take five, you must be starving" Armani nods as he skated out of the rink to grab some lunch.

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