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Augustus In Oslo


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Augustus Kennedy was drafted by the Oslo Storm in the 2nd round of the VHLE draft and has now confirmed... he'll be starting there to begin the season. Kennedy's agency firm is no stranger to the E or Oslo, as once upon a time he GM'd them back when they were in the minor league, but he also has ties to the E with his three season run with Rome. When asked on his thoughts, Kennedy had this to say in an official statement to the league and the media: 


"Oslo at this time doesn't have a complete roster, we're going to need to put in some work if there are plans to compete, but with me between the pipes, it's possible. I just came off of a huge win in the M with my Saskatoon boys and I'm feeling great, so with a full team around me, the sky would be the limit. I trust my new general manager and will trust the process, I don't believe our team is finished just yet and there is more to come behind the scenes. For now, I'm going to keep griding, I'm going to keep putting in work and I'm going to be ensuring to the best of my ability that my game is top notch. From there, the rest is up to the team that is iced ahead of me, I'll lock down the net, so long as I have a supporting cast to play with. It's Oslo... or no one." 

A big statement made by Kennedy and he is looking to back up all of his claims as the season is set to begin very soon. 

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