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Patience Payne - You’ll Get There


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It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve flipped any crap on Brian Payne, and I was trying to think of something to write about to get the 2 TPE, so I decided its time to throw some mud on the wall and see what sticks.  If you know Scurvy, then you know he’s dedicated to the league, his team, and building the best player he can be to contribute all he can.  He busts his ass to max TPE every week and fights to get it done.  He’s competitive and wants to win.  And that brings me to this discussion.


Warsaw is struggling right now and Brian Payne feels like he’s not contributing like he could be, and because he’s not contributing, he’s responsible for Warsaw’s overall results.  He’s got the numbers on his build to have solid games but whatever is going on in STHS land right now, its frustrating the hell out of him.  He wants to do it all.  His life history won’t let him be a timid, weakling defenseman.  He’s got to be a hitter, a punisher, and a leader.  As a rookie, its taking longer than he expects and with the new hybrid, its even harder for Payne to be the player he wants to be.  He’s got the build right now to put up good numbers in hits and shots blocked, and he’s putting up impressive numbers.  But, not to him.  It’s never enough for Brian Payne and the “Payne Train.”  Payne is in the top 10 in shots blocked, and is close to making the list for hits.  His discipline or lack thereof is evident as he’s currently #2 in penalty minutes, and he’s yet to get into a fight.  Ahh, the lack of fights, another category Payne sees himself as falling short.  If he can’t contribute with goals or assists right now, a few fights would surely give Payne some comfort knowing he contributes in other ways.  Until he drops the gloves, Payne is going to be on edge. He’ll go through the motions and he will present a hell of a good front, but deep down inside is a storm brewing like a gallon of tequila bubbling in  the inner stomach.  Picture a bull being let out to pasture after spending the winter with his head in a stanchion.  That’s what’s happening to Brian Payne right now.  Be patient.  That’s the only advice that can be given to him.  He’d say the same to anyone on the right track.


Well, this article didn’t go as planned.  I intended on ragging on him and coming up with one liners to highlight his meager performance, but I couldn’t do it.  Brian Payne is going to shine and become a star for the Predators.  He’d probably rebuild if he hadn’t already done so, but that doesn’t matter right now.  He’s progressing slowly and will continue to do so.  The only satisfaction I can get out of this, besides the 2 TPE, is when Payne gets in his first fight, he loses his ass!  That will make it all worth while!  And to top it off is if his first fight and first loss was to Bo Johansson.  How cool would that be!

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There was actually a fight in our first game against each other, it just happened to be between Marner and Sundin instead. Bo still has never dropped the gloves as far as I'm aware, unless something happened in an off-season tournament.

Really though it's just a matter of time before the Payne Train gets going, he's putting in the work and has gone from drafted 26th overall to already being 13th overall in TPE in his draft class in his rookie season. That's the kind of work ethic that gets you labelled the steal of the draft. Now Simon just has to stop being an ass, and let Payne actually play his game.

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